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The next day, I woke up to get ready for school. I enjoyed going to Fairmount High because we were accepted there by humans, and I was somewhat popular as well. Everyone there treated me with respect and even went as far as making sure I was ok no matter what. The teachers were always there to help me whenever I couldn't figure something out, or they would send me home when I'm sick. That's where I first met Micah when I had just started school.

I was unable to reach my locker, and I was struggling while cursing at it, but then I heard laughter and saw him standing there videotaping the entire thing! I asked him to delete it, or I was going to Sic Damon on him, which he did immediately since they all knew of my brothers. Micah helped me get my books, and I found out we were in the same pack as well as the same classes. Even though I've never seen him in the pack before, since I was always so protected by my family.

" Daydreaming again, lo?" Micah asked as he ran up to me. I glared at him, which had him laughing at me.

" Don't ever make that face again. If anything, it seems like you're about to take a dump." I couldn't help it as I started laughing. We were both heading downstairs when we heard a throat being cleared, and we looked up to see everyone there except Jacob and Landon watching us.

" And just where did you two think you're going?" Asked dad, and I gave him a confused look.

" Last time I checked, we were seventeen and still had to attend school." I replied, which had him chuckling.

" School is off, for now, go put your bags down and stay in your room until we are ready for you." I was about to protest, but one look from him had me hurrying to get to my room with Micah running next to me.

" Gosh, they can be so scary." He said as he shivered.

" But what the hell are we supposed to do, stay home and climb trees?" I chuckled at the idea since we used to get in a lot of trouble because of that. They had to cut down this one tree that Micah and I used to climb, so we could watch them while they were training.

" Let's go find a tree then." I said as I dropped my bag on the floor and made my way towards the window.

" Le gasp! What if we get caught?" I looked at him like he was a weirdo.

" Le gasp?" I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

" Just something stupid I picked up at school. Now, what if we get caught, I would rather not get punished, especially if it involves Landon!" He shouted, but I grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him so he could snap out of whatever he was thinking.

" Look, we haven't seen them all morning. I only saw Jacob yesterday when he said he was going to go and punish my brothers for locking me up in my room again, but I haven't seen him after that. But looking at my brothers just now, I could see they were ok, but I'm not certain. Landon and Jacob are probably busy, so let's not chicken out and have some fun like we used to!" I whined while making my puppy face, and he caved after that. We climbed out of the window and jumped since it wasn't that high. We started giggling as we ran into the forest, but what we didn't see was one of the warriors who came with Jacob and Landon watching us like a hawk.

" Come on, this one isn't so tall, so let's climb it." Micah said, and I agreed with him. Right as we were going to climb the tree, we heard a threat that had us freezing in our spot. I felt like I may have peed myself a bit, but I'm not sure.

" Touch that tree, and you won't like what I'm going to do to you." Jacob said as he growled at us. We were cowering from the tone of his voice and I could see how angry he was, Landon, on the other hand, grabbed Micah who was kicking and screaming for me to help him, but I just couldn't move as I bared my neck to my mate whose eyes had gone pitch black. The next thing I knew, I was being hoisted over his shoulder and being carried away by him.

" Jacob, please put me down, I promise I won't do it again." He wasn't listening to my pleas, as I could tell he was extremely pissed off. Come to think of it, where are my brothers? I get that they have a pack to run and all, but I wanted one of them to come and rescue me from my angry mate! Was that too much to ask for?

' You could link them, idiot.' Snow said, and my eyes became wide as I realized how stupid I was.

' Erick, Chris, Logan, Damon, Elijah, Matt, anyone?' I said, trying hard not to seem so panicky.

' What the hell is going on? Where are you?' Damon asked, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

' Micah and I were uh sort of going to climb a tree, and Jacob and Landon caught us! Now Jacob's wolf is in control, and it seems as if he's going to punish me, so I need your help!' I didn't get any reply after that, which was strange.

' Uh, we don't think it's a good idea to interfere with the alpha king when he's like that. We would rather not get punished again, so just find us when he's through, and we'll take care of you.' Logan said. The link got cut off. Those traitors!

What the hell did Jacob do to them that had them so scared of him? I realized that he had taken us to his room as he threw me on the bed. His eyes were back to normal, thank the goddess, but I could still see that determined look in them that had me shivering.

" Now I see why your brothers have to be so overprotective of you. What if you get hurt, uh? What the hell were you thinking? If Benjamin hadn't spotted you when he did, I don't even know what would happen to you and Micah!" He shouted, and I whimpered and bared my neck once more. Yeah, it sucks being an omega.

" Now it's time for your punishment, I hope that after this, you won't ever think about climbing a tree again or think of doing something stupid that will get you in trouble." Oh, well, please pray for me!

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