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I sighed as I woke up the next morning while looking at Arlo, who was sleeping peacefully, and kissed him on his forehead. I couldn't even get to punish him yesterday for staying out too late when I asked him to be back within an hour time, all because he's pregnant, so I couldn't punish him as I did before, it would only make me seem like an asshole which I'm not.

I was going to let him spend some time with his family today, I didn't want to be the one to keep him from them, since I knew how emotional he could get when he's not around them. I know now that I shouldn't be keeping him from them, so I was going to allow him to visit them and stay as long as he wanted with them without having any problems with it.

I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine, then got dressed and made my way downstairs to get him something to eat. I saw my parents in the living room talking, so I asked them if everything was ok.

"Yeah, your dad and I got full approval of red forest land. We are going to go ahead and use it for omegas who want to leave their pack, so they can have somewhere to stay instead of being a rogue out there and alone.

I wondered if they could still be welcomed in our pack even if they don't live with us?" Mom asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, not caring about what they wanted to do.

"It's really up to you, I'll welcome them, yes, but I have to see if they are good enough to stay there. We can't just trust anyone just because your heart is too soft." I replied, and mom glared at me.

"You know that Arlo and the rest of the omegas here are probably the only ones who are being treated the way they should, you don't know what others are going through, so what you said was uncalled-for." I looked at dad for help, but he only looked away with a smirk on his face.

"I've seen it with my own eyes, mom. Malachi, for one, is an example of omegas being mistreated, so I know what they are going through. All I'm saying is be careful with whom you trust. Not everyone is good these days." Mom sighed and walked away while grumbling and saying how I had to be the one to ruin her happy time.

"I know you meant well, son, but ever since I came up with the idea of building somewhere for omegas who have been mistreated, your mom is making it her mission to help them. Next time, don't question her. I just agree with whatever she thinks is right." He patted my shoulder and left to go after mom. It's not like I said anything wrong, I was going to support them, yes.

All I said was she shouldn't be so quick to help everyone because she didn't know if she could trust them. Was I wrong to say that? I don't think so.

I went to the kitchen and saw that breakfast was being prepared, so I told one of them to bring it to my room when it was done. I made my way back to my room to wake Arlo up, since he shouldn't be sleeping for so long.

I started to gently shake him, trying to wake him up, but he only grumbled and told me to leave him alone. I chuckled and started kissing him all over his face and neck, which left him squirming in pleasure. That's what I like about him, the moment I started kissing him, he's always ready for me.

"Love, you need to wake up now. I'll let you spend the day with your family if you'd like to." His eyes shot open, and he smiled at me.

"You promise?" He asked while looking at me with hope in his eyes, and I nodded my head.

"Promise. Now come on, get your butt in the bathroom, so you can get something to eat." I didn't have to tell him twice, as he started doing what I said. There was a knock on the door, and I went to open it after making sure that Arlo was alright in the shower. I thanked Pete as he handed me a tray filled with a delicious breakfast on it and left.

After Arlo and I were finished eating, I took him to his family, so he could spend some time with them. I could see how happy he was to get this opportunity, so I will make it my mission from now on to make sure he was with them, so he doesn't feel left out.

I went about my business for the day. There was a lot of work to be done around the pack that I had yet to get started on since I was away for so long. I started massaging my temples as I remembered how hard this could be sometimes, with so much paperwork to be done.

Other packs are keen to join an alliance with us because we were one of the largest packs in Europe and one of the best, not that I'm bragging or anything, but we are.

I sighed as I thought about Arlo, I missed him already. How was I supposed to do this again? I needed to stop acting like he was on a leash and let him be free every so often.

Was I being too possessive of him? Of course, I was. I couldn't help it. He's the one who was made for me, and he is carrying my pup. Don't mind me, I'm just expressing my feelings for him. I know that I can be an asshole sometimes, but I had to, or he would just continue to disobey me.

I was glad he was here with me now. We will be together for thousands of years without any problems. If he was here next to me, he wouldn't be able to get me to stop being so sappy. I closed my eyes and sent a quick thank you to Selene, the goddess herself who has paired me with such a handsome mate.

'You're welcome, my boy.' My eyes snapped open when I heard that voice, a voice I didn't know. I sighed as I got back to work, not knowing how I'll get through the day with Arlo on my mind, constantly distracting me. It was a good distraction, though, so I welcomed it with open arms.

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