Date time

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The meeting was boring as hell. One thing that got me through was because I was excited for the date with Jacob. I yawned as the three hundred and seventy-five pack members, including my family and Micah's family all, shouted their take on what my brothers told them.

Some agreed with moving, while others didn't like it one bit. It took a lot of convincing for them to finally agree, and so we were all going to move to Jacob's pack.

Two different packs living on the same land, what could go wrong? Sometimes I know I shouldn't say that because something always goes wrong, but my pack was loving, no one got mistreated here and the same goes for Jacob's pack, so I don't see the problem there. It made my family happy, knowing they would be able to watch over me.

Jacob told them about the gifts too, he also mentioned us being immortal and everyone was overjoyed when they heard that, knowing that regardless of what we won't be killed off like some weak ass werewolf, and we would get to live forever and still look the same as we do now.

Micah walked up to me and dragged me away, saying he had something important to tell me. Once we were alone, he started pacing while biting his fingernail.

“What's going on?” I asked, and he sighed. His brown eyes widened as a blush was evident on his face.

“When Landon came to me and told me he wanted to talk, it led to something else.” My eyes became wide as I figured out what he meant, what? I'm not that innocent.

'We all know you like to give bjs a lot.' Snow said, and I rolled my eyes and blocked him as if he didn't enjoy giving it too.

“We finally mated, I now fully belong to Landon Shepard. How am I going to do this, lo? Honestly, I'm still scared.” I nodded my head because I could sense the fear that was coming off him in waves.

“Just go with the flow. Don't reject each other, and it will work out for you.” He chuckled and shook his head.

“That's lame-ass advice. I was top too, you know.” He said, and I looked at him confused because I didn't know what he meant.

“Ok, so Landon had his turn, and so did I. I was the top, and he was the bottom, get it?” He asked, and I nodded my head while blushing.

“D-do you think I could try that with Jacob?” I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Go ahead and suggest it to him. You guys are mates. It shouldn't be supposed to be who's submissive or who's the dominant one. We should be able to fuck each other without the title.” Gosh, he can be so vulgar sometimes, but I agreed with him. We went back to the meeting, and I was now thinking about what it would be like to fu....

“Hey where have you been?” Damon asked as he walked up to me with a frown on his face.

“Um well, Micah wanted to talk privately, so I stepped away for a bit.” I tried my best not to show any signs of what I was thinking about or else I would be locked up for good this time, knowing my brothers.

“Next time, just let us know where you're going.” I nodded my head, not really in the mood to argue with him. I walked up to my family and stood next to them while they continued to address the crowd.

“Ok, so we will be leaving in two days since everyone agreed to the move. We will be two separate packs living on the same land. One thing we won't tolerate would be violence, so we should all learn to live together as one.” Everyone cheered at what Logan was saying, and I nodded my head, pretending to be focusing on what he was saying, but truth be told my mind was somewhere else thanks to Micah.

“Ok everyone, that's it. You can all go back to doing what you were doing.” Jacob walked up to me and hugged me, then bent down and whispered something in my ears that had me blushing so hard I thought I would be on fire because of how hot my face was.

“Sometimes you should block your thoughts, love, don't want everyone to figure out that you want to top me. If you're good, then maybe I will let you.” He kissed me on my forehead and then left after Elijah called him. Schmuck, why do I always forget to do that? At least he wasn't against the idea, so that's all that matters. We spent the rest of the day talking nonsense, and I was bored as hell.

If it wasn't for the watchful eyes of the warriors and my brothers, I would have been getting myself into trouble right at this minute. I sighed again for like the fifth time and mom smiled at me as if she could tell I was bored.

“Hun you can go to your room with Micah if you like.” I eagerly agreed with her and made a move towards Micah but only to be stopped by Erick and Chris who wanted to know where I was going.

“Do not close the door.” Chris warned, and I nodded my head as I pulled Micah away, so we could get the hell out of here.

“Jacob sent me a mind link, telling me he's gone to get some KFC with Malachi and will be back in a short while. Now I have a date with him tonight, what should I wear?” I asked Micah, who shrugged his shoulders.

“Clothes? You have a lot, just choose something.” He wasn't helping at all. A date doesn't require you to wear what you're used to. You have to look presentable, regardless of where you're going. Since he wasn't going to help, I'll just figure something out on my own.

The day went by quicker than expected, and now it was time for my date with Jacob. He wouldn't tell me where he was taking me, saying it was a surprise and all. Kind of cliché if you ask me.

I only went with it because I was too excited to sit still, I was like a child who was on a sugar rush. I sometimes wondered how they coped with me being this way, I guess they love me too much to notice.

My eyes became wide as I realized we were going to the amusement park. People were already here having fun, so I made a move to run off, but Jacob grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. I pouted as he wouldn't let go of me, saying I was too active for my own good.

I used to come here when I was younger with my brothers, but I haven't been here for over three years now. The last time I was here, I fell and scraped my knees, and they swore not to take me back because of that. At one point, I tried to go with Micah without their permission, but they caught us and grounded us for three months.

“What would you like to do first?” Jacob asked, and I looked at the rides they had here and pointed at one. He seemed hesitant at first, but then he nodded his head and pulled me towards it.

We spent the evening on rides and playing games, which was the best time of my life since we won all sorts of stuffed animals. We ate hot dogs and cotton candies, which I enjoyed a lot. I was feeling a bit tired by the time We left, but I still couldn't settle, knowing we had somewhere else to be. He took me to this nice restaurant which was owned by humans.

It had everything there for us to order. It was quiet and remote, a place where we could talk without any distraction. After we ordered, he took my hand and kissed it while I blushed as it seemed as if all eyes were on us.

“Just focus on me, ok?” He said and I nodded my head. We discussed random things like his birthday, which is July fifth while mine is March ten. His favorite color is red, but he likes blue and green while mine is yellow. We got to know so many other things about each other, something that was long overdue.

“I hope you're still prepared for what's to come when we get home.” He said, and I blushed and nodded my head, knowing I had to work damn hard to please my mate since I would rather not seem like a wimp when the time comes. This is one thing I hope I don't mess up because I wouldn't know what I would do if I did.

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