<~ Prologue ~>

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It was a quiet night, a peaceful night even. There were no fights, no new wars, no new enemies made, no crying, no killing. Everyone was asleep.

Well, everyone but one.

As the voices screamed for blood, a scared Technoblade sat on his bed, hands covering his ears. He was hoping that he could block the voices out, maybe get them to go away just for tonight, but it was pointless. He knew there was nothing he could do. There was never anything he could do to stop them.

He stood from his bed, pulling his cloak over his shoulders and his crown onto his head. Checking the bracelet that was on his wrist, he saw that his inventory was filled with his weapons and anything he would need to fight. He couldn't stop the voices, but he could at least calm them down by listening to their wants.

He left his room, his hooves clicking quietly against the floor. Sliding down the ladder, he noticed his father laying on the couch with his wings draped over him like a blanket, and his ridiculous hat pulled over his eyes.

Technoblade smiled as he watched the gentle breathing of Phil as he slept. The voices calmed slightly once they saw him, before starting up again with less shouts of blood, and more of Phil's ridiculous nickname, Dadza.

Techno jumped over to the carpeted part of the room, and there was a small creak from the floor due to the sudden weight. He flinched and looked over to Phil, who thankfully was still sleeping, not even slightly waking up. Techno sighed in relief before walking towards the door, with the carpet now muffling the sound of his hooves.

He pulled a piece of paper out of the desk, writing a small letter to Phil to explain where he was going. He wasn't sure how long he would be gone, and due to the crows, Phil usually woke up quite early.

Grabbing a pig skull mask from where it hung on the wall, he opened the door, breathing in the cold air. The fresh snow crunched under his hooves and within seconds of being outside snow had already began to cover his hair and cape.

He pulled his cloak tighter around him, before stepping out of the warm house and into the windy arctic.

The voices had started up again, yelling for blood and death, though there were still some confused ones who were talking about Dadza.

Thankfully, it wasn't long before Techno came across a zombie. It looked up at him with it's dead eyes, and a strange noise came from its rotting lips before it started to run at him. Unlike all the stories of Zombies, they weren't actually very slow. Slower then a human, yes, but that was because of their rotting limbs.

With a few precise hits, the zombie fell to the floor, it's legs already turning into dust. It fell forward, and broke into millions of pieces of dust, which were blown away quickly by the wind, leaving behind only a rotted piece of flesh. Techno sighed, he had been hoping for something more, like iron or a potato, but the flesh would have to do. He picked it up, placing it in one of the empty parts of his inventory.

He continued on his journey, collecting objects that the monsters dropped. There was quite a large selection of items, from bones he could use for his dogs to armour that he was sure would break soon.

Techno loosened his cloak from where it hung around his neck. This let it flow more dramatically behind him, and kept him cooler in the desert he currently found himself in. He wasn't sure exactly how he had gotten here. He hadn't been paying much attention, just stabbing and killing and walking.

A melodic voice interrupted his thoughts. He swore he had heard it before, but he couldn't think of who it was. Another voice responded to the first person. This voice was much deeper, and wasn't at all familiar to the Pig Man.

To be forgotten || Dsmp Fanfic (finished)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum