<~ Chapter 7 ~>

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Ranboo's POV

A few days have passed since Mrs.Minecraft's visit. Techno had way too many things he needed to do, so I spent most of the days wandering around, mostly staying in the house though as I was scared of the traps he might have laying around.

On the 9th day of me being there, Techno decided to show me his barn, where all the animals lived.

When I had first walked in, the first thing I had noticed was the big polar bear in the corner, who had run over to me when he saw me.

As I ran my hand through his thick fur, his name came to me. "This is Steve, right?" I asked and Techno nodded, surprised I remembered.

"Yeah. He was the first thing I grabbed when I made the deal" The deal... he had told me about that.

After his mom had left, he sat me down and explained everything. He talked about how he had overheard the gods, how he had made the deal, and about our final goodbye, which was a memory I didn't remember clearly. Then he explained how he had gotten my crown. Apparently, when he was saying goodbye, he had yoinked it from its hook near the door, and I just hadn't noticed. He didn't know why he had taken it, he had just known it would be useful for the future.

"That was a good choice" I scratched behind the polar bear's ear, and it made a low growling noise which could be best described as a purr. "He's too cute to leave behind" I crouch down and look into the bear's mauve eyes, and he leans against my hands, relying on me to hold his head up.

"I'm glad I brought him. He was great company at the start before Mom visited for the first time" Techno glanced over at the bear sadly before grabbing the bags full of animal food, adding some to each of the feeding areas he must have built.

I stayed crouching when Steve left to eat and watched as the animals all hurried over, acting all friendly to each other. This was just the normal animals though. In the next room over, visible through the glass wall was the more dangerous mobs, for example, in the corner, Edward sat contently in his boat, munching on a bar of gold (no clue why, but he looked happy).

When Techno was done feeding the animals, he walked towards me and reached down to me, lifting me up and onto my feet.

"C'mon, let's go. I have another place to show you" He started to drag me outside, his hand tightly gripping mine.

I didn't argue with him, and I followed him as he grabbed a picnic basket and began to walk down the narrow path that I had absolutely refused to check out until now. But even with how scared I was of the path, I let him drag me down it, shivering slightly as the air seemed to get colder, like something bad was going to happen.

At the end of the path was a dead end, but before I could say anything about it, Techno punched the wall on our right. There was the click of a button, and with a loud scraping noise, the wall in front of us moved to the left, revealing a field behind it.

My eyes burned when the bright sun hit my eyes, and I blinked profusely as Techno dragged me through the door. When my vision finally stopped burning, I gasped.

Techno had led me to a beautiful field, with bright green grass, bright green and healthy trees surrounding the field, flowers of all types growing around, and a huge cliff, which was quite far away from me, but showed a beautiful view of the forest, and beyond that, the village, which looked so happy and quaint with smoke rising from the chimneys.

Even though everything was so nice, it reminded me of something.

"Oh fuck I forgot to tell Tubbo I was leaving" My eyes widened and I finally realised how scared Tubbo must have been when he got home and I wasn't there. Techno also seemed quite surprised, and he gripped onto my shoulders, holding tightly and looking directly into my eyes.

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