<~ Chapter 1 ~>

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It was cold. Colder than normal.

The village was empty, and the normally welcoming houses were creepy and dark.

I felt the cold wind against my skin, going through my thin shirt and cardigan. I regret dressing like this, only I don't remember getting dressed this morning.

I heard something behind me, and hoping to see one of my friends, I turn around, only to see the forest. The trees were too close together to get through easily and I could hear the groaning and clicking from the monsters that lived there.

But instead of feeling scared like how I normally would, I felt a weird pull. As if the forest was trying to drag me in. Trying to show me something.

I normally would have resisted, but I couldn't. There was something in that forest that I needed to see.

I slowly walked towards the forest, taking careful steps on the ground covered in roots from the trees. I heard voices talking, too fast for me to figure out what they were saying. There were a million different voices speaking, none of them recognisable, except for a distant sobbing, but even that voice was barely recognisable, only bringing up small memories of a gold glint and a soft pastel pink colour.

As I went farther into the forest, the sobs got louder and trees got closer together. I hurried through the trees, no longer being careful. Maybe if I found that person, I would remember them.

But as I continued running through the forest, the trees only got closer and closer together, until there was nowhere for me to go. I tried to turn around, only for it to look the same as the other direction.

There was nowhere I could go. The trees were too close together for even me with my spaghetti body to get through. But the sobbing kept getting louder, same with the voices.

I couldn't do anything, they just kept getting louder and louder. I saw something pink from between the trees, but I couldn't get to it.

I held my hands over my ears, hoping to keep out the noises, but it did nothing. Tears fell from my eyes, burning my cheeks as they hit my enderman skin. Dirt covered my pant legs as I fell to the ground, and my cardigan ripped as it grabbed onto a random branch from the trees.

But it wouldn't go away. They just got louder and louder and louder and louder. It felt like my ears were bleeding and my cheeks burned and bled from touching the water from my tears. All I could feel was pain and all I could hear was the sobs and voices.

There was a sudden feeling of falling, and I tried to grab onto any of the trees that were rushing past me, but either the brushes were too far away or broke as soon as I touched them. That's when I saw them. They fell near me, but far away that I couldn't touch them. Their pink hairs captured their face as they fell, and they kept a tight hold on the golden crown that sat on their head. They wore a long red cape that wrapped around their body, hiding it from view. Their face were littered with scars and there was fear in their red eyes. From the tears that were flying slightly above them and the fact that their eyes were watering, I could assume that they were the one who I could hear sobbing.

They saw me, and reached towards me, but then we hit the ground. There was pain, but then I sat up, looking around, only to find no more trees and nature, but instead a room that was nicely decorated and dark. Instead of the cardigan and warm black jeans that I had been wearing before, I wore a normal black t-shirt that went horribly with my near black skin, and a pair of fluffy yellow pajama pants covered with bees. On top of that was a warm red blanket that covered our bed. Next to me, Tubbo slept, his dark hair covering his eyes as he cuddled Micheal, who must've crawled into our bed last night due to nightmares. I wish I had my camera, as this was honestly very adorable.

To be forgotten || Dsmp Fanfic (finished)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें