<~ Chapter 4 ~>

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(I hate my computer with all of my being right now because it just deleted the 3000 words I already had for this so now I have to completely rewrite this)
(Also all the stuff between Techno and Ranboo is father-son relationship! I'm not shipping them)

Techno POV

The man on my shoulder was way too tall for this, but yet I wasn't leaving a passed out Ranboo on a mountain just before the night hit. As I carried him up the hills, I chugged a potion of strength and then one of speed so that I could get him back to my house quicker. I could hear the mobs begin to get restless as the sun began to go down. The voices were just as restless, begging me to either hurry up and protect their beloved or to throw Ranboo down the mountain and save myself.

Finally, we reached a part of the mountain where the trail stopped. A clearing, with rows and rows of flowers, all planted by my mother and I in my spare time. I looked around, finding the alliums quickly. I hurried over, and began to inspect the mountain wall beside the flowers. It didn't take much time for me to find what I was looking for. A small circle, with a smile, just like Dream's. I traced it and then pressed down on it, making a clicking noise.

Then a rumble, and I step back, watching at the wall begins to slide right, revealing a doorway.

I smiled, silently thanking XD for making this for me. I walk through the doorway, stepping on a pressure plate which closed the door behind me. Now I was on a rocky pathway, surrounded by large walls. There wasn't a roof, so when looking up I could see the sun slowly going down. Thankfully monsters wouldn't spawn here, as there was enough torches to keep the monsters from spawning but not enough to be seen from the village. XD had made sure of that.

I continue walking down the pathway, making sure I wasn't accidentally hitting Ranboo's head against the walls.

Finally I reached a bit of a clearing, with the large mountain walls surrounding us. A small farm sat in the corner, filled with potatoes and carrots. On the other side, a small cabin sat, which looked smaller then it actually was. On the wall near the house, there was a simple door, which opened to a large room where Carl, Steve, Edward, the dogs and all my other pets lived.

I brought Ranboo to my house and took off our shoes before carrying Ranboo upstairs. I had a guest room, which had never been used but I had added it as a just in case.

Ranboo was easy to put in the bed and he didn't even wake up from the sudden move. Instead he just shifted around in the bed to get comfortable.

I smiled at him and set him up slightly, moving his crown from his head to the nightstand, forcing off the chestplate and kneepads, and then pulled the memory book from his pocket. I remembered this book. He would never let it out of his sight, and would get very nervous when he would lose it.

One time, after what he called an 'enderwalk', I had taken him home, and had taken care of his injuries, applying burn cream to his tear streaks and bandages to the sword marks on his chest. He had lost quite a bit of blood from the injuries, so I ended up giving him a healing potion and a sleeping potion so that he could just sleep and heal. Before he had ended up falling asleep, he had pushed the book into my hands, telling me to read it and how when he would wake up, to never mention that I had read the book.

I still remember the pain I felt when I read the book. That was one of the only times I ever cried. Phil had been very concerned when he had returned, but I had hid the book behind me, just saying that I was crying because Carl had gotten hurt, which wasn't exactly a lie, he just didn't get hurt enough to make me cry.

The next morning, I had put the book beside him before he had woken up. He had forgotten about giving it to me, so I was safe, but every time I looked at him, I felt a pain in my heart knowing what he had been through.

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