<~ Chapter 3 ~>

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Ranboo's POV

I stumble through the trees, tripping over the roots of the trees. The heavy armour that I had decided to wear was warm and already sweaty from me walking around in it for so long. 

I leaned against one of the trees, pulling off the heavy helmet and wiping the hair out of my face. The armour had obviously been made for me, with special parts on the helmet for my horns and then has the ability for my crown to clip onto the helmet. The chest plate was made for a skinnier person and was a bit lighter as I wasn't too strong. The 'pants' were actually just knee pads made from the shiny purple material, and the shoes had been made for lots of walking/running. But still, it was still very heavy and warm in the sun, with the trees stopping any winds that could help me.  

I wasn't sure how long I was out here, I just knew that the sun had come up quite a while ago and that I had been out all night. I wasn't tired surprisingly, and for some reason my body was acting as if it was normal to not sleep very much and instead just work all night. 

I straightened up again and continued walking, and I put my helmet back into my inventory, and fixed my crown back onto my head. 

A loud crunch of a broken branch made me jump and I turned in the direction of it, pulling out the sword. It was perfectly balanced in my hand and had obviously been made for me, but years of not practising caused me to almost drop it as soon as I took it out of my inventory. 

I swore under my breath, adjusting the position my feet were in, making it easier to run if needed. I believe Phil was the one who had taught me that. We had come across a baby zombie and he had decided to turn his trauma into a teaching lesson of how to stand in order to make it easier to run. 

The sound of breathing broke me out of whatever memory that was. It wasn't my breathing, this one was louder and lighter, while I was trying to keep my heavy breathing quiet. 

I kept my eyes on the shadows, hoping it was just a sheep or a pig. But I knew somehow that this thing was much more dangerous then a sheep. 

Finally the thing stepped out of the shadows. 

Techno was different then how the dream had showed me. His hair was slightly shorter and had very uneven ends, as if it had been cut off by a beginner with a sword (which it probably was). His clothes were covered with dirt and dried blood, and the cape had a few tears on it. The sword that hung from his belt needed to be sharpened, and his crown needed to be cleaned, as the gold was slightly rusted and had lots of mud in it. His eyes softened when he saw me and the corners of his lips lifted slightly before they were quickly brought back down. Of course. The famous Technoblade shows no emotion. The only time he had was that day. The one I don't remember. The day from the book. 

I watch as Techno turns around, walking past me and into the forest where I had come from. Not sure what to do, I stood there for a moment before turning around a following him, running a bit to catch up with him. He doesn't acknowledge me, and keeps walking, but I could see his eyes glance back at me every once in a while, as if making sure I wouldn't disappear. 

We didn't say anything to each other, but the silence wasn't awkward or bad in any way. Instead, it felt quiet comforting and brought back a few old memories of when we would go on adventures together, and the conversations that could go on for hours about the most random things, like potato farming or how being a mob hybrid is both stupid and amazing. 

After a few minutes of walking, we reached a small clearing. In the middle, a ruined nether portal that had been fixed and was lit. The red netherrack surrounded the portal, seeming to be randomly placed in the ground. The noise of walking changed as soon as my boots touched it, going from the normal quiet of grass to the loud clunks of walking on stone. Next to the portal was a chest, opened and empty except for a pair of nearly broken golden boots. 

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