Chapther 16 A Day with the Knights and a Night with the King pt2

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Disclaimer: I do not own the fan art or the characters just the story.
Underline words: means Easter Eggs
........❤️...........: Time skip
'Taking to self'


"Come on out Merlin! You been in there for what feels like months!"

"Well to me to has and hasn't been that long!"

"Then hurry it up please." Gawain said. Taking a sip of his drink that he Smuggled in.

"Alright, alright, just give me a second."

After exactly a second the red curtains, to the dressing room open revealing Merlin. Wearing one of the gowns that Leon picked out.

His dress consisted of the colors that embodied one of the things he cherished most, his kingdom. The dress was a deep red with golden threads spindle throughout the ends.

He was even considering getting a little golden dragon sowed into the front of it. Right under the collar. Of course that's only if Merlin chooses it.

Merlin herself actually liked the gown but that was the problem with it. It wasn't a simple dress for Merlin to work in. But an incredible fany gown that one would wear to a ball.

"Sorry Leon, I really do like it."


"But I can't really do work in this."

Well that wouldn't get him a point.

"You still have it, just waer it to a ball then."

"I could. But Arthur, already has my outfit picked out."

"HE DOES?!" All the knights shouted. Very shocked about this, why didn't they hear about this? Surely Arthur would if told them that he picked an outfit for Merlin. Right?

Merlin looked at them confused.

"Yeah, it's the one I always waer to import parties. It's the one with that ridiculous hat."

After a minute or so, it finally clicked to what outfit she was talking about.


"I can't believe he still makes you waer that. Even after all this time?" Leon exclaimed.

"The actual uniform is nice. It's just the hat I can't stand! The feathers keep fall on to my eyes. Almost makes me spills the drinks."

"You do that even without the hat on!" Gawain said. Making everyone chuckle.

"I would say that your right, but that be like saying you also don't spill your own drink when all your doing is pouring it into your mouth. Still sober might I add."

"He gots you there Gawain." Elyan said.

"Alright, alright, let's continue shall we?"

"Yes, we shall." and with that the witch walked back into the changing chamber.

One dress down and no points gain.

After a few changes later. Merlin has picked three dresses that she actually liked and can work in.

Which means for the knights little game it's a three way tie so far. Percival, Elyan, and Lancelot all having one point. Seeing as they understand that fancy doesn't always mean sturdy.

"She tried on one of each of ours outfits. Now it's time for round two!"

"Time for what?" Gwen asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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