Chapter 14 Waking Up

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Disclaimer: I do not own the fan art or the characters just the story.
   Underline words: means Easter Eggs
    ........❤️...........: Time skip
    'Taking to self'

The rain had finally stopped. Letting some sun light come into the cave. Hitting Arthur's face. Waking him up. He took in his surroundings remembering what happened and where he was.

He realized that his arms were holding something. Arthur looked down at his arms, seeing that he was indeed holding something well more like someone.

'Oh it's just Merlin. HAA MERLIN!' Arthur flinched,yet still holding on to her. He clam himself down and looked at the still burning fire before he looks at the woman sleeping in his arms.

Arthur looked at her and for the first time in forever he as seen Merlin look so peaceful. A smile made its way to his lips. He moved a few strands of her hair off her face. To reveal that the servant was indeed still asleep.

With the way they were laying down. It reminder Arthur of  that time where him, the knights and Merlin were coming home from a peace treaty or something. He couldn't quite remember. Anyway on the way it started to rain but unlike today this was a storm. And luckily for them, Merlin found two caves that weren't that far from each other. One big enough for the horses and one smaller but enough room for them to all fit in.

There wasn't that much space for all of them to spread out. So they were pretty close to one an other. Like if they stretched out their arms. They be touching each other.

Gawain, Lancelot, Percival, and Elyan thanked Merlin for finding that cave. Merlin said welcome and began to start a fire. The knights set up there bed rolls. Even Arthur helped. He set up Merlin's bed roll, subconsciously putting it right next to his.

The cots were set up like this first Arthur then Merlin on his left then next to Merlin was Lancelot. Then Gawain then Percival and then Elyan. Making Leon on Arthur's right making a complete circle. With the fire in the middle of them. It looked as if the fire was the center of a flower and their cots the flower petals.

When Arthur woke that day. He awakened to all the knights starting down at him. Some of them pacifically Gawain was trying their best not to smile and snicker at him.

Once they realized that their king was awake they straighten up and stop snickering. But their smiles stayed in place.

"Hey it's alright your not the only one. When I woke I was on his chest. And he was holding me as if I was an stuff toy bear." Gawain said. Nodding his head towards Percival. Who had a little bit of pink on his ears.

Arthur was still confused. "Arthur look at your arms." Lancelot said. Him the only one trying not to smile.

The king did as told. He looked down and nearly jumped out of his skin. In his arms was a sleeping Merlin with his head on the kings chest.

Arthur also felt the servant's legs wrapped around his legs.

"Don't worry your not the only one who ended up being cuddled." Gawain said. Then he pointed his chin towards Percival.

"I woke up being in his arms. It was as if I was a stuff bear." Gawain explained chuckling.

And if the others were looking they would see that the kind giant's ears had became red.

"At lest you didn't wake up to a foot in your face." Said Elyan.

"I already apologize." Leon said. Who woke up with his head towards the fire instead of his feet like the others. And that's how his foot ended up being on Elyan's face.

Elyan just shook his head. "Better your feet then Gawain's."


"Gawain you know it's true."

They all laughed at Gawain. Gawain, just crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks. This just caused them to laugh harder.

The laughing caused the warlock to stir. All the knights and king looked at him. Their laughing dieting down.

They saw him slowly opening his eyes. Then watch as the servant realized where he was sleeping and who he was tangled with. All the knights watch Merlin's normal pale cheeks become pink.

Merlin quickly shot up. Trying to get his and Arthur's limps untangle. Once up his face was completely red now. Merlin bow and said sorry. Then started walking towards the cave's entrance.

"I have to go check on the horses and find all of us something to eat!" After that he basically ran out of the cave.

All the knights again started laughing. Gawain was on the verge of tears.

"I'll go check on him." Lancelot said. Head out of the cave.

When they got home Merlin avoided Arthur as if he was the plague.

'Wonder what her reaction will be this time?' Arthur thought.

He than felt Merlin nuzzles her face on his shoulder. As much as Arthur would hate to ruin this beautiful moment. He knew if they didn't get a move on then the knights would be taring the forest to find them. He also knew he would do the same if Merlin went missing. Hell he gets worried when Merlin doesn't wake him up in the mornings.

Well now seems like a good time to wake her up. Arthur gently poked her beautiful sculpted cheeks with his index finger.

"Merlin, time to get up." 


"Merlin you got to get up." He said poking Merlin's face a little bit harder. Yet the witch still slumber.

He tried a few more times but still have the same results. 'Is this how it feels to wake me up in the mornings?'

'To bad I don't have curtains to open and say rise and shine. Guess I'll do this than.'

He began shaking her by the shoulders.


The witch eyes open wide and quickly sat up her head banging on the king's head. Both of their heads sporting a red marks.

"OW!" Was all the witch said before the pounding in her head settled. After a few minutes her head finally didn't feel like a hammer was banging it.

Thats when she remembered where she was and what happened earlier with the bandits and the storm. 'Wait did I fall asleep? WAIT WASNT I SITTING WHEN I FELL ALSEEP?! AND WHY DIDN'T I HAVE A NIGHTMARE'?!

Merlin than remember that she used Arthur's cape. She looked down to the cape and noticed how it was not only wrapped around her but also around the king.

Her face immediately bloomed into a rosie pink. 'NOT AGAIN!' She got up, dusted her dress, and looked at Arthur. Who was trying his best to not laugh at his servant actions.

"I...I need...b-better um....g-go...check...on..the...h-horses! Um... s-sorry." She bowed and walked off.

"Merlin wait! We didn't bring the horses remember you idiot."

Arthur saw her ears become pure red.

She was to embarrassed to look at him. How could she forget that they didn't bring the horses heck she was complaining about it earlier.

"Than I'm getting more water or fire wood! I'll be back!" And with that she was off.

Once she was fully out of earshot Arthur irrupt in laughter.
Easter Eggs Answers:
1.quickly sat up her head banging on the king's head. Both of their heads sporting a red marks.: From Studio Gibley's Ponyo.

Again sorry a lot of stuff was happening in and out of school. And home shit but it's fine for now hopefully. Anyway this chapter was supposed to be longer. But I decided to do just publish it now and write the stuff I was gonna put in this chapter for the next chapter. Readers have a good day or night.💙

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