Chapter 9 Just a Week?

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Disclaimer I do not own the fan art or the characters just the story.
   Underline words: means Easter Eggs
    ........❤️...........: Time skip
    'TAlking to self'

I just wanted to say thanks and thanks for the people who have commented on this story and asked me for updates and questions about the story. I wanted to say thanks because when y'all do that for some reason it gives me inspiration to write so thanks again. Also Steven Universe Future Ended 😭😭😭😭 it's over isn't it.😭

Anyway on with the story.

Arthur was happy to hear the sounds of metal clashing together then the sound of sighs from council members who didn't want to be there as much as he did.

But now all he hears is swords clashing against each other. Normally he didn't like this sound when it was a real battle going on. But when it was just practice it sounded like music to his ears. Like a rhythm that goes right foot, left foot now go even faster and as you're moving backwards
keep your eyes on the enemy.

But for today they would not be swords fighting instead be targeted practice with a bow or a crossbow. Once Arthur got closer to the training grounds he saw the knights warming up. As in sword fighting with each.

From what he could tell Gawain was sparring with Percival and Lancelot was with Leon. While Elyan was training the newbies. Who show some great promise if they keep up with the hard work.

But for today the swords would have to be only for warm up because they would be doing target practice. Because some of the knights needed improvement on their aiming.

"Alright that's enough! Let's get started!" He announce. "YES SIR!" They answered.

Once some of the knights finished setting up the targets they began practicing. Leon of course had no trouble sense he was the best shooter. Percival was surprisingly also had good aim. On the other hand Gawain still had some trouble with it. He was great with a sword but just not as good with a crossbow.

And of course Lancelot had no problem with it either. As for Arthur he was doing great, as to be expected from the King of Camelot. He had all of his focus on the target. He took a breath, lined his crossbow with the bullseye and.....


He shot the arrow and if it was an inch higher he would of missed. Arthur turned around looking for the voice that costed his perfect shoot. And of course it belonged to the one and only whiskey, loving eating apples Gawain.

"What?" He said taking a breath. "I was just wondering. How is our gal doing?" Gawain asked with his famous smile on his face.

Arthur gave him a 'what are you taking about?' look.  "He means Merlin how is she doing?" Explain Lancelot who had concerned in his voice.

At the mention of his servant name he thought of this morning and how she fell on top of him and how cute she looked with the color pink on her face. He quickly looked back at his crossbow and acted like he was reloading it. So that his friends didn't see the blush he could feel coming on his face.

He pushed that memory away. "Oh. He blah, I mean she is fine." He finally answered.

"Anything else like did she say how long she'll stuck like that?" Gawain continued. "A week I believe is what she said."

"That's good we'll have the old Merlin back in no time! But....."

"But what?" They all asked Gawain.  "You know Merlin's cooking is already good but do you think it's even more good now that he is a she?" He said with his big smile.

Merlin you're a girl!???Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora