Chapter 4 Hutning trip

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(A/N I don't own the fan art or characters just the story. And yes I know that it's bad how I screenshot that.Anyway this is me most of the time.)👇

( My friend send that to me once so credit goes to   Lord_ExplosionAngel   you can or should follow her

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( My friend send that to me once so credit goes to Lord_ExplosionAngel you can or should follow her.)
Don't forget
under line words: Means Easter eggs
............❤️..........:Means time spiked
                    Ok now enjoy 😉

It was a sunny day here in Camelot. Just perfect for hunting everyone thought. Well almost everyone Merlin on the other hand did not. In fact he hated it.How is waiting and killing an animal fun? And why did he have to be the one to skin it and clean it when he didn't even want to kill the animal nor did he want to make lunch for the knights and clean the weapons.

And an other reason why Merlin wasn't in a more cheerful mood then usual. Was because he was tried. No not tried but exhausted.

From all the work he's been doing for King lazy and for Gaius. And he had to tell everyone well not everyone just the main knights as in Percival, Elyan, Lancelot, and of course the apple loving and drinker Gawain.

It was easy to tell them about the trip sense they all live in the castle. Well it actually took time to find Gawain. Not like wondering where he was, because he was of course at the tavern drinking.

So no it wasn't hard to find him at all. The problem was that it took Merlin two hours to convince some guy not to kill Gawain for taking the mans money that Gawain actually won from the bets.

But Merlin eventually got to clam the man down and let Gawain off the hook. Then after that Merlin had to change Arthur's meetings to happen in the afternoon then in the morning. And then finally at 3:00 .a.m was he able to go to bed and fall asleep.

So yes Merlin was very tired that he keep going in and out of sleep on his horse.

Arthur on the other hand was happy about this hunting trip. He loved hunting because one you get to get away from people. Two you can just get some fresh air and three he love tracking down the animal then four the feel you have when you shoot the arrows and it hits it's mark.

He also had a rest full night. Well almost he had that same dream from the one from the other night.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Flash back dream?⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

There he was again. In the ball room with the same music playing. Arthur looked around and saw everyone having a good time. He saw Guinevere, she was wearing light pink dress with gold thrav in it.

She was talking to her brother who was wearing a nice suit. So was the other knights. Arthur saw Percival trying his best to not let Gawain get any more wine. Arthur wished him the best of luck to him. Even tho he thinks no one can get Gawain away from alcohol.

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