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**** Four weeks later.

Topper was being carried into the clinic for continued care and recuperation. It was the only way the doctor would dischrge him. She insisted that he rest with increasing exercise to regain his strength.

"Aw, come on, Rowdy. I'm resting myself to death!" He cajoled.

"Hey, I hear ya man. Nobody knows the pain of continued rest like I do, but it's rest and recoup here or back to the hospital."

The young hero threw his arms into the air in exasperation and immediately regretted it.

"And that, my good man is why. It takes time, time and patience."

Topper glowered at him until the door opened and Kaylee stepped into the room. "Can I see Topper a little while, Rowdy? I promise I won't stay long."

* * *

Eight months later.

Ready for church, Rowdy sat at the kitchen table reading the Sunday paper when Bobbi's yell of excitement filled the air. He jumped up and back as coffee sloshed down the front of his Sunday shirt.

"What the...." He slapped the paper down along with the mug, grabbed a dish towel and began mopping his shirt as he headed down the hall.

He found both his girls dancing for joy in the master bath. Annoyed though he was, Rowdy couldn't help but grin.

"Can I get in on the fun?"

Bobbi turned to him, stopped and stared, "What happened to your good shirt?!"

Rowdy crossed his arms and gave his wife a mock glare. "I spilled black coffee down the front when my wife and daughter yelled, scared me near half ta death and took ten years off my life. Thank you very much."

Bobbi and Charity both began laughing so hard they had to sit down. Bobbi pulled the girl into her lap and hugged her tight.

Before Rowdy could add his thoughts on the matter he noticed two pregnancy tests laying on the sink. She had been toying with the idea for a couple weeks now.

'She finally got up the courage, I see.'

He picked them up and looked into her eyes. "You finally used the tests?"

Bobbi nodded, "I've been afraid of what the answer would be."


She beamed up at him. "Looks like you'll be needing to  expand the cabin again....daddy."

A huge smile split his face as he grabbed Charity and Bobbi up together. All three talked at one, each as excited as the other.

Gradually Charity became more solemn until she looked worried. A chill ran down Rowdy's spine. He knelt down and gave her a hug.

"Looks like you'll have a little brother or sister, Cherry. What d'ya think about that Sugar? "

She looked down and began to finger his collar and merely shrugged.

"Charity. Look at me, sweetheart. Something's bothering you. Talk to us, tell us what you're thinking."

Her lip began to tremble and huge tears formed in her big green eyes.

"Where will I go? " She whispered.

"Go?" Bobbi repeated, "Sweetie, you aren't going anywhere. This is your home now, you live here just like we do." She assured the child, rubbing her back as Rowdy held her close.

"But," she began, still whispering.

"When you bring the new baby home, where will I go?"

Realization of her fears dawned on them both at the same time.

"Let's go sit in your room while we talk about this." Rowdy suggested, as he swung her up into his arms and they walked into her room. Sitting on her bed, Rowdy moved Charity onto his lap.

He looked around the room that Bobbi and Lillie had decorated for her.

"Look at all these ponies and unicorn's running around your room. Bobbi and Nana put all these pretty ponies and unicorn's and horses all over for you. Just for you," he said as they looked around.

"Which ones are your favorites?" Bobbi asked, "I like the rainbow unicorn."

"I like the brown and white mama and baby." Rowdy said, "They look like my horse."

Charity nodded and shyly pointed to big eyed, pink and purple pony with a sparkly mane and tail and stars in its eyes.

"I like that one the best." She murmured.

The adults nodded and smiled.

"That is a nice one. Kind of magical." Bobbi said softly.

"And whose room is this?" Rowdy asked. "Who was this room built for? Who was this room decorated for?"

"Me." The child whispered and smiled at them.

"That's right. We decorated it for you." Bobbi said.

"That's right, honey. We were so excited when we found out you would be coming to live with us. We got started on the room right away, and worked hard to make sure it would be done by the time you came to us." Rowdy assured her.

"You won't be going anywhere to live when we bring the baby home. We'll make a room for it too, just like we did for you." He added.

Bobbi nodded, "No matter how many babies we have from now on sweetheart, YOU will always be our first. We'll love all our children, but you will always be our first."

Charity looked at one and then the other.

"Really? I'll still live here even when the baby comes? Always and forever?"

"Absolutely." Bobbi said emphatically.

"Always and forever until you're grown up and ready to live on your own." Rowdy added.

"We love you, Cherry. We want you here with us. When the adoption is complete you'll totally be our little girl. We'll share you with your mama and daddy just like you'll share us with other babies."

Charity looked into Rowdy's green eyes, so like her own....leaned her head against his broad shoulder and smiled.

"I love you, Daddy and I love you too,  Mama."

"And we love you honey. "

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now