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**** Bobbi sat in the library of the law building, researching for a new case she was working on. One of her best friends, (Sheriff Koni Black Feather) placed a box of Chinese food in front of her.

"You need to take a break, Bobs... Oh, don't give me that look! You've been leanin' over that file and pad of paper for the last three hours."

The two continued to talk as they ate their lunch. The young lawyer leaned back and dropped her fork on the napkin. "I'm sorry, Koni. I just can't seem to concentrate lately. It's this case... so many young girls, with the same story. The various DNA found from the rape kits, are matches from all the girls. The lab work said that the tobacco juice had more than enough saliva for a match. It belonged to Dogg, and the DNA shows that not only are he and the Wolf Rapist are related but that at least two other men are involved."

The Sheriff sat down next to her friend. "Dogg has gone under ground, in the last two years. No one has seen or heard from him. It's a big world out there, and our little department just doesn't have the resources to search all of it. All we know is that his name isn't really Sam Dogg, his cover was well done."

"Someone tried to kill my brother two months ago with a mountain lion. It was wearing a collar and had been beaten and was malnourished. My gut is telling me that it's all tied into this case." She rubbed her tired eyes, "I'm soooo tired. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Well, part of the problem is that you've been working too hard. Another is...Rowdy. Honey, you love him. Admit it."

"Rowdy and I... we just weren't right for each other. That's all. He hated my job, and expected me to just accept that he wants to return to the rodeo. He knows how much the thought of that terrifies me, so why would he just up and tell me after we..." Bobbi turned red and rested her forehead on the large oak table with a groan. "Never mind."

"So... did it ever occur to you to ask him why he was thinking of going back?"

"No. I just...got mad and stormed out. I guess I should send him a check to pay for the storm window."

Koni threw her hands in the air with exasperation. "Well, why ever not?!"

Before Bobbi could snap back a retort, a soft rap came from the door, and a young Deputy stuck his head around the door.

"Excuse me, Miss Blanton, but there are two FBI agents here. They've asked to speak with you."

The two women looked at each other perplexed. "The FBI? Did they say why?" The Sheriff asked.

"No, ma'am. Just that it was important. Should I show them to your office?" He asked Bobbi.

"Um, no, take them to the break room and tell them to help themselves to coffee and a doughnut. Thank you Mack. Tell them I'll be right there." She answered, before shrugging to Koni. "I might as well see why they're here, you're right, I do need a break."

"Sure thing, ma'am." With that the young man ducked from the room.


Outside the breakroom, Bobbi closed her eyes, shook her hands hard and took a deep, cleansing breath. 'O-Kay. This is no big deal. They're just FBI Agents. They only have the coolest job in the world, while I just sit here on my butt.' She calmly turned the knob and stepped inside. Two men were waiting for her and the one closest held out his hand and smiled.

"Good evenin', Miss Blanton." "I'm FBI Agent Nicodemus Montague." Agent Montague wasn't a tall man, maybe five foot ten, but he was powerfully built. Much like Rowdy. (Uh! Quit thinkin' about him knot head!)

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now