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**** At a hospital in Southern Illinois a receptionist answered the phone. "Saint Joseph's Medical Center, this is Melissa. How may I help you?"

"This is Yancy Kincaid, I need to speak with Dr. Patricia Kincaid, please. It's urgent!"

"I'm sorry, sir. Dr. Kincaid is with a patient right now. May I take a message or transfer you to her voice mail?"

"This is her father, and this is an emergency! I need to speak with her, as soon as possible." Yancy paced outside the hospital doors in Bute Montana.

"Yes, sir. Would you like me to take a message? I'll see that she gets it."

He sighed, working hard to control his exasperation. "What part of this is an emergency are you not gettin'!? Tell Trisha her brother is in critical condition and I need to speak with her immediately!!"

"Oh. One moment please, sir, while I put you on hold!" Her voice had taken on an urgent tone.

He cursed under his breath. "I don't have time for this!" He said to himself as he raked his hand threw his hair in agitation.

The receptionist put him on hold and immediately called the supervising physician and explained that Dr. Kincaid's father was on the phone with an emergency situation.


Dr. Kincaid was speaking with a little five year old girl about her tummy ache when the nurse knocked and opened the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Doctor, but you have an emergency call. Dr. Wung said he'll take over for you."

Dr. Wung stepped into the room and nodded, "I'll take it from here."

She thanked him and made her way to the nurses station.

The receptionist handed her the phone, "Your father is on line one Dr." Her voice was slightly clipped as she spoke.

Worried now, Trish opened the line and spoke. "Daddy, are yo..."

"Patricia! Thank God!"

"Dad, what...?"

"Trish, I have some bad news, honey. Your brother's been shot. I didn't want you to hear it from the grapevine."

Her face heated up. 'What has that crazy brother of mine gone an gotten himself into now?'

"Shot? How bad is it? Daddy, what happened? How does a cowboy now days get shot?"

"Pa-tric-ia!! I'll fill you in on all that later. Rowdy's in surgery now, Dr. Bill says his injuries are serious, he was shot in the shoulder, his collarbone was broken and he lost a lot of blood before we got to him. Dr. Cox is doing everything he can," his voice broke. "It isn't good honey, it isn't good. I know it's not a good time for you to get away, but..."

"My God..." she breathed. "What happened! How did it happen? What was he doing to get shot! What was he thinkin'? Doggonit, dad! Why didn't you stop him?"

He sighed, his daughter had always been prone to nervous chatter. Most times she ended up taking her victim in circles. "I'll explain everthin' when ya get here. Bobbi has agreed to stay with him while I pick you up."

"Dad, is the damage permanent? I mean, he's had so much damage to that arm as it is. Do they know if he'll still have use of that arm?"

There was silence on the other end of the line. "Too soon to tell. He and Brody both had blood stored at the blood bank and that came in real handy. A nurse came out and said the bullet was lodged in the collarbone. It'll be a painful rehab and he'll be on some hefty pain meds if we can get him to take 'em. Dr. Bill may keep him out for a couple days or so."

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now