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**** Eight weeks later-

**** Kyle sat on a weight bench, stroking Hope's thick fur, and watched his father train with Rowdy on the matt. After this, he would have his first lesson in self defence and was so excited. Both men were wearing army green T-shirts that hugged their muscular frames, and their old army fatigues. To protect the matt, both men had removed their boots. With all the things that had been happening over the last few years, they felt it necessary to keep up on their training and make sure the women and children had at least some rudimentary training in self defense.

The preteen marked down another point as his father took Rowdy down to the matt. The red head slapped the blue matt three times in the usual concede signal. Beau released him and rolled to his feet.

"Dad, why did you both bring your guns?"

Rowdy chuckled, "Is there anything that kid doesn't notice?"

The former-bull rider grinned at his son and slung one of the weapons around his shoulders to demonstrate. "Well, son... in hand to hand combat, a Ranger's goal is to do as much damage as possible, as fast as possible." Kyle nodded as he listened closely to his adopted father's every word.

Rowdy took it from there. "That allows us to take our enemy down fast, to provide the necessary time and space to return to the use of our tools."

Kyle gave him a confused look, "Tools?" He looked around. "You want me to get your tool box?"

Both men chuckled.

"Our weapons," Rowdy explained, "that's what will win the fight. I don't know a single Ranger that won't defeat his enemy in a frontal hand to hand. The real danger is when someone attacks from behind, but we have moves for that also."

Kyle looked even more confused. "I don't understand, how can you fight somebody you can't see?"

Beau smiled and was about to answer when his cell rang. He held one finger up to Kyle and answered it with a smile, "Hey, babe. How are you and the little ones?" He paused and tried not to laugh at his wife's complaints about the girl's cooking. Since the babies were born their adopted daughters had taken it upon themselves to care for her, including meals.

"Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the girl's help... but like me... they can't cook! Beau, I am starving! You have to save me. Death by kids cooking."

"So why don't ya just go over to mom's?" Beau grinned to himself.

"Oh, wake up!"

Beau tried hard not to laugh at that one.

"I love your mother, you know I do, but if I go to the main house. Lillie will ask where the babies are, and why didn't I bring them? Am I getting enough to eat, have I gotten enough sleep? Are YOU taking good care of me? She would just go all Lillie on me and get nit picky and mother me to death." She took a breath and changed the subject. "How is Rowdy doing?"

"Ouch! One-eighty, honey!" Beau said jokingly. "I just got whiplash."

"Haha. How is he? Your mom is determined he's not to over use that arm. She's also all gaga with his and Bobbi's wedding plans."

Beau assured his wife that Rowdy was fine, causing an annoyed look to cross his best friend's face.

Rowdy snatched the phone and went on to explain what they were doing, and that he could handle it, and that he was a big boy now, mom. That brought a chuckle from Drina. They talked a moment longer, then Rowdy, Beau, and Kyle gave her their love, and Beau promised to handle the evening meal and ended the call. He then called his mother for an update on the meal he had requested earlier. She assured him that it would be ready and he could pick up later.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now