Chapter 4: Running, Hiding, and Tomatoes

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihonkoku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Chapter 4: Running, Hiding, and Tomatoes

"The great Gordon Ramsay wasn't just a chef before He became the person he is today, the man was an athlete, a promising football player during his younger years until an injury to his knee destroyed it all. Despite all that, the old fire that vanished a long time ago is still there."

-BBC News

Three Years Ago, Saderan Capital

Never he had expected of himself to be running this quick in his life.

No, it wasn't running to chase an opponent in a soccer match, nor running to catch and scold a Hell's Kitchen contestant for being reckless and almost burning the entire restaurant but...

"For fuck's sake! When will this end!?"

It was more of running away for his life as the celebrity chef hailing from Scotland traversed through the huge crowds of people and beast-men while being chased by Roman-like soldiers from someone's fever dream.

"Hey, get back here!"

Until this point, the desperate and enraged chef could still hear the men's yells. In the back of his mind, he wondered how these guys were keeping up with him with all the heavy armor and golden plates on them when he's supposed to have the advantage because he's wearing casual black shirts and pants.

Though despite any setbacks, Gordon Ramsay never stopped running, and for a 50-something-year-old man, he was actually managing well.

"What the fuck is this place?"

It was the second thought that occurred to him. As he observed his current surroundings, he was finally able to process it properly. Aside from the glorious sun rays that glistened on the beautiful ancient-like structures of this mysterious city, it was the chaotic noisy atmosphere that drew his attention...

"Coming through! Man is coming through! Bullocks!

"Excuse me PLEASE! Give me some fucking space!"

"Oh come on! A man is literally running for his dear life and you're all in the way!"

Throughout, he swore, yelled, and exclaimed, alerting the crowd and capturing the attention of all passers-by. Not long after, a mini-stampede formed along the street as a result of his presence and the increasing number of Imperial soldiers chasing him.

Horses, pulling rickshaws, wagons and carriages began to react wildly as well, they too getting swept by what is happening around.

Goods, furniture, food, and other countless objects were flying around and all over the place.

Gordon Ramsay's chances of escaping were increasing as he ran as fast as he could, surprisingly evading every obstacle ahead of him. There was also one time he tried to jump on a horse but failed miserably as the horse left before he could reach the animal, and another event would then occur in the midst of his terrible adrenaline rush and a chaotic environment.

It was in the form of a subtle voice that whispered to his ears that startled him.

"Turn Right! Go to the Right!

The voice kept repeating the words until the man would heed its call.

"Shit, I am hearing voices in my head now!?" He internally screamed inside his mind. He never expected the situation to get even weirder, yet a part of him encourage him to trust whatever the voice is telling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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