chapter 5

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(A/N) OK so i'm gonna start doing something new because its easier for me but when you see text *like this* it's basically your thought(s). Anyway enjoy


I awake to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I rolled over to disable it and take a glance at the time on my lock screen

Friday, October 28th, 8:30am

Of course like every other morning. I don't even know why I bother at this point. With that i got up and began to stretch. After I had stretched I just sat there, I don't know why but I did.

It's too quiet, I should get a pet, maybe a dog? 

I pushed the thought away for now and began to walk over to my dresser. As I scanned my shirts wondering what to wear for today I remembered something.

The interview.

How could I have so easily forgotten? I mentally cursed myself as I started to look for something nicer to wear. What I ended up settling on was a blue t-shirt with some light blue jeans. I picked up the outfit I had planned to wear and headed towards the bathroom.

*time skip brought to you by my procrastination*

After I had finished with my shower I went down stairs and began on deciding what I wanted for breakfast.

I finally decided on a breakfast burrito.

*another time skip brought to you by my laziness*

After i had finished my burrito I went to check the time


I wonder what time Mason wants me to meet him?

(A/N) sorry this chapter was very short. I just thought i needed to update since I haven't in a while, and I wrote this all within an hour so your welcome I promise the next chapter will be longer and definitely have more story to it. But for now i have to sleep And I promise another chapter will be out tomorrow. Also, I want to thank everyone for the support. You guys are the best. I don't care if there's not that many of you. I still am thankful for you all, anyway I must sleep now and as always have a good night/day :)

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