Chapter 6

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I grabbed my phone and opened my contacts. I found the number I called yesterday. There was ringing for a second then I heard a voice from the other end
"Hello, strode real estate this is mason how can I help you?"
"Hello mason, this is (y/n) I was wondering when you wanted me to come in for my interview?" I said kinda nervous.
"Oh hello (y/n)  I didn't recognize your voice over the phone, does  10:30 sound alright?"
I glanced at the clock.


"Yeah sounds great"
"Alright see you then"
"See ya" with that the call ended
Welp I have 45 minutes to spare what to do?

Maybe a walk?

And that's exactly what I did. I slipped on my (F/H) and my shoes and head out the back door. I figured I'd explore most of the woods behind the house since I hadn't really gotten a chance since in the past week the only free time I've had was at night and there was NOWAY I was exploring the woods at night. Nope. Not in a million years.

As I began to walk farther into the woods I watched as the early daylight began to fade and I felt the cold autumn wind hit my face which made me quiver and a chill ran down my spine Which caused me to pull my hood up over my head. Suddenly the wind stopped and in most cases I would have been relieved but not now. Now it was too quiet and something about didn't sit right with me. I got out my phone and headphones and began listening to (F/S) and began humming to the song as I continued through the forest with my headphones half on just in case.

Suddenly I got the feeling of being watched again like at the gas station but only this time it was more intense. I turned around to check but no one suddenly


I turned my head at the speed of light to see where the source of the sound came from, but I only saw

A deer?

I was relieved and any nervousness or paranoia I had from earlier had melted away as I stared at this animal that was just inches away from me. I looked into its eyes and it looked into mine. I was mesmerized by this animal. why? I don't know but something about it drew me in. We stared at each other in silence for a good minute before I spoke quietly and gently "what are you doing all the way out here buddy?" I said with a gentle smile
I must look crazy talking to an animal.
I laughed at that thought. Suddenly the deer took a few steps towards me and started......smelling me..? "Are you hungry?" I asked while slowly putting my hand on its head admiring it's antlers. Suddenly I heard my stomach growl. "Yeah me to" I chuckled talking to the deer as if it could understand me. Suddenly I realized how much time had passed. I pulled out my phone and checked the time.


"Guess I better start heading back home" I said aloud. I looked at the deer it's attention no longer focused on me. It had its head lower and it's ears straight up now looking behind me. I turned around once again and seen nothing. When I looked back the deer was already running away.


The thought being pushed back by a message from my phone. It was mason with the address for where my interview is.

Oh right

With that I began my way home.

*time skip brought to u by my resurrection from the dead*

After I gathered everything I need, I checked the time on my phone


Right on time

With that I hopped in my car and began my drive to haddonfeild

A/N - yes I know I promised another chapter sooner but I kinda forgot ;-; but anyway I kinda lost motivation for this story, don't worry I'm still gonna continue to write it, I just need to remember it exists in the first place ._.
But you know the deal correct me if I spelled anything wrong and have a great day/night now I need sleep TvT

The stranger in the woods ( Michael Myers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now