I Should Have - 11th February

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When I was clueless

Thinking you didn't like me

Or you'll never like me

In my most independent days

When I didn't need you

I should have just left those thoughts.

When my heart was pounding

Everytime you'd hit me up

Or the times you vaguely told me you liked me

And I'd panic 

Too slow to reply

Because  I'm busy

Telling my friends

That I'm so confused

Yet I'm so excited

I should have just denied everything. 

When you called me

On New Year's Eve

With my bare and pale face

It was not the happiest day

But you lightened me up by

Talking to me

Listening to me

And buying me food

I should have just slept.

When I first cried

Thinking that

You'll give up on me easily

Because of how childish I am

Yet you didn't

I should have left you first.

When you came to me


Standing tall while waiting for me

I should have hugged you then.

What would have happened

If I took care of you?

If I was patient

Maybe things would have turned

The other way around

I should have took care of you.

What would have happened 

If I was more like my old self?

And I didn't change

Maybe if I didn't change

Even for the better

Maybe things would have turned

The other way around

I should have just stayed as I am.

What would have happened 

If I told you how I truly felt?

If I was more blunt

And more courageous

Would you have

Reciprocated them?

I should have told you that

I love you.

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