They Don't Know - 30th March

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My friends tell me that

They know what I'm thinking

They know what I'm feeling

They know what I'm crying for

Like I'm not allowed to do so.

My mom tells me that

She knows what I want

She knows what to do

She knows what situation I'm in

Like I can't move on my own.

Those who don't even know us tell me that

They know what happened

They know I'm worth more than this

They know I will find someone

Like they know the story better than us.

But they don't know about that New Year's eve

When we stayed up all night getting to know each other

They don't realize the love that you give

Every time and every day, not just when you mind to bother.

They weren't in my sweatshirt when I saw you

That I almost hugged you but never could

They weren't my neighbors when I held your hand

I didn't want to let go but we know we should.

They didn't read all the poems I've passionately bitten

By my fragile thin fingers that's damped with thoughts

They didn't see what the love letters have inside written

That knew what we personally fought.

They're not aware of the things I wrote behind the receipt

That I kept in my journal for a couple months

They never knew what we said to each other

The lowkey I love you's and a few rants.

My friends, my mom, those who don't really know us

They don't know how hard the things we fought and surpassed

They don't know why you suddenly let go and pushed me away

They don't know where you are and where I come crying

But I know one thing

I know that I miss you

And that I love you

And that you'll come back

Because we're meant for each other

And that they don't know.

Sun and MoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora