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Vicky West

I woke up to the incessant ringing of my doorbell. I groaned obnoxiously, and turned over to read the time on my alarm clock. It was only ten AM. It pissed me off to no end that someone would wake me up this early on my day off. I lay there for a minute, debating on whether to actually answer the door or just pretend I wasn't here; it had to be important for someone to be ringing my doorbell for ten minutes straight.

I got out of my bed, begrudgingly, and got halfway to my front door before I realized I was naked. I turned around, stomping my way back to my room to put something on, muttering profanities under my breath when visions of Harry and I last night took over my thoughts.

I grasped a blouse that was lying over my chair, and slipped into some slippers. Before I opened the front door I glanced in the mirror, my hair was a nest on the top of my head, my face looked dry and flushed and I could smell a hint of sweat mixed with Harry's cologne. I hoped the person on the other side of the door wasn't expecting something special, cause this is all they were going to fucking get.

I pulled the door open, coming face-to-face with my best friend, who was wearing the same expression and appearance as I was.

"Hello sunshine," I greeted Red, smiling like a lunatic.

"Don't call me sunshine, I look like a cat's asshole," She sneered.

Red wandered past me into the house, and I locked the door. She walked straight over to the couch, and plopped herself on it with a sigh. I walked straight passed her, into the kitchen, shooting her a quick, "coffee?" To which she smiled.

"Please," She huffed, but continued to lay there in silence. I decided that I would have to be the one to get the ball rolling if I wanted to figure out what had her panties in a knot.

"I guess I'm missing something," I cleared up. I made some coffee for both of us, and set the mugs on the countertop, inviting her to join me in the kitchen. "You look absolutely wrecked, Red. Seriously, why are you still wearing a pair of sunglasses when we are inside?"

"I did something really fucking stupid," Red confessed, and I was befuddled by her honesty. "I'm wearing sunglasses because I have a black eye."

"You fucking what?!" I screeched.

"I got into a fight," She scratched the back of her neck while staring at the ground in shame. "It happened when I was strolling back home and found that slut Carmen making out with a pathetic blockhead. I was pissed that she had ruined my chances with Zayn, but she seemed to really like him. Anyway, I called her out for being the hoe-bag she is and we got into a fight.''

"Did she end up with a black eye too?"

"No, not at all." Red chuckled. "I ripped some of her extensions out though, and I think her nose is broken."

"That's cruel, Red!" I scolded. "On the contrary, I understand why you did it." I slid her untouched coffee closer to her. Red finally took her sunglasses off, and was surprised that her eye wasn't all that alarming. "It doesn't look that bad," I said truthfully.

"It hurts like a bitch though, I was going to put some concealer over it but I can't even touch it." She pointed out, her fingers brushing lightly over the bruised skin and she winced. "I'm so glad the show isn't for another three days, otherwise I'd have to see her now and I wouldn't be able to stop myself from a round two." Red said. She started to gulp the coffee, and I noticed her calming down with the caffeine in her system.

"So it was kind of upsetting to see Zayn with Carmen?"

It made my blood boil when I thought of how Zayn treated Red, yet he really didn't do anything wrong because they weren't actually dating. They were both single. On the other hand, he had to know that Red was becoming attached to him, and they hadn't set any parameters for their 'relationship' so it was pretty obvious that this would end badly.

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum