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Vicky West

This was absolutely not something I had expected to see; a dark vault with possibly twenty storage cabinets, all filled with DVD's.

I'd braced myself - for this moment - but I never thought I'd so much.

I held the key in my hand and placed it away in my jacket where it would be safe. I'd promised Harry not to lose this key, and I wasn't planning to.

With one brisk movement, I had closed the door, and fully entered the vault Harry preferred to keep away from me.

I was stunned by everything that was around me. I had my inclination; there would be a lot of DVD's. But this was definitely beyond my expectations. And I didn't know whether I should think positively about it or not.

As I came closer to the cabinets, I could read the sides of the DVD's. They were sorted on date and name. I never thought so many girls could agree to be recorded while they had intercourse with whom they had a meeting with.

It was a surprise that I never heard someone of the club talk about this. Didn't they know about Harry's habits? Okay, Marcel was certainly aware of Harry's passion for filming. Did Judy know? Did the cleaners know? Had there been someone who found out about it and was manipulated by Harry and William because of their knowledge? There were so many questions unanswered.

I looked at the DVD's that were made in 2014, because that was the year I auditioned for the Moulin Rouge. With my fingers, I traced over the DVD's. I was in shock when I found mine. I thought that when I'd found my personal DVD I would be pleased that it was still there. Even so, I was just extremely baffled that I was, indeed, successfully recorded. I took the DVD out of the storage, and looked at the front; it was just black with white letters showing the title.

Vicky West.

Audition Moulin Rouge

August 29, 2014


I just stared at the front of it, like I was unable to move to a different spot. Just the realization that this was real, that he filmed me, that I was treated like an object, really hit me. Because my intention - when I went to the Moulin Rouge - was to do what I loved the most; dance. I didn't want to be seen as a dancer who was only being accepted for her way of entertaining men, especially in private.

How awful this was, when it happened. Harry couldn't turn this back around. He had filmed me when he was a different person back in the days. When he'd been a more annoying human being, to be precise.

Besides that, he'd changed into someone who wanted to show the best of himself, and essentially, be the best Harry that he could be towards me.

And even seeing his vault at this moment didn't make me feel different towards Harry. The Harry who had done this wasn't like this anymore. Luckily.

Surprisingly, when I looked up, I saw a door in the back of the vault. Unmistakably, my curiosity got the best of me, and I stumbled over to the door. I still had the DVD in my hands as I approached it. My hand touched the metal doorknob, and it was unlocked in a hasty turn. I was met with lights that went on automatically.

There was another room attached to Harry's vault. It was instantaneously clear to me, from the moment I stepped inside, that this was the room where he edited his videos. There was so much equipment to edit everything, and make the perfect DVD.

I just hoped he hadn't used this for a long time.

I took a seat on the chair, which was placed in front of it all. As I was seated, I started the computer. Everything started to light up, and I was overpowered by what Harry kept away from me. Still, I went through with it. I placed the DVD in the disc and closed it. It took a while before it was loaded. I made sure the volume wasn't too boisterous so that no one heard disturbing noises coming from this room, if that was even possible.

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