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Vicky West

I woke up by the sound of running water. I glanced at the window and saw the sun entering the room slightly. As I turned around, I noticed I missed the man who was previously lying next to me. I rubbed into my eyes, and yawned effortlessly. I sat up and pressed by back against the headboard. I pulled the sheets closer to me, and wrapped myself in the soft material. I peeked above the sheets when I saw Harry walking inside the bedroom in casual attire.

He grabbed his hair and made a quick bun. His sunglasses were settled on top of his head. ''Good morning, babe,'' he said while he grabbed some belongings out of the drawers. ''Did I wake you up?'' He asked me worriedly.

''No, not at all.'' I mumbled. ''God, what did I sleep amazing.'' I stated the obvious. It felt like my body was entirely awake and reborn. Harry gave me a generous smile, and walked over to me. He took a seat on the side of the bed.

''That doesn't surprise me since it is almost 4 PM,'' Harry mentioned and cracked a smile.

''What?!'' I panicked.

''You were very tired, Vicks. It doesn't surprise me you slept for such a long time. But you are feeling good now?'' He wondered while putting some tendrils out of my face. I nodded swiftly. ''That's what matters.'' Harry breathed out satisfyingly. ''I have a meeting while having dinner, so I got to go now. I called Red and Marcel and they will pick you up in an hour.''

''You did?'' I questioned for confirmation. The corners of my mouth lifted up.

''Yes,'' He broke in a smile. ''You don't mind, do you?''

''No!'' I assured him in a hurry. ''Thank you. I cannot wait to chat a bit with both of them.''

''Great,'' Harry said. ''I'll call you when I am done. Have fun, Vicks.'' His lips touched mine perfectly. My hand was pressed against his beautiful cheek and I pressed my lips harder against his. I had to wait for his next kiss a couple of hours, so I needed to make the best out of this one.

Our lips parted with hardly any ease. ''Good luck,''

''Everything will be going well.'' Harry assured before he stood up, waved me goodbye, and left the house. I could hear him pulling out of the garage with the car, and I started to get out of bed.

It was a very kind gesture of Harry to call Marcel and Red, and let them take me out for dinner. I hadn't seen them since all the happenings yesterday, and I wondered if they experienced the whole scenario in the same way as I did. I didn't know what had happened entirely in the booth, but I heard from Marcel and Red it had been pretty dramatic.

Somehow, I managed to get out of the warm bed. I longed to lay down for an extended time with Harry, but he had to attend a meeting this evening. The corners of my mouth curled up when I noticed some clothes neatly folded on the chair, next to the dresser, in the room. As I made my way to the fresh pieces of clothing I heard a horn going off from a car.

I turned around and rushed to the front of the hallway - where there was a massive window which showed you clearly what happened on the porch - I rolled my eyes instantly when I saw Marcel's car parked awfully close to the house. Red noticed me and waved incredibly content at me. I hastily made my way downstairs to open the door for them. Marcel ran to me and hugged me incredibly tightly.

''I thought you two would come around in an hour,'' I said rather confusingly.

''I thought so too,'' Marcel spoke. ''But I had to save Red from whatever happened back at her apartment. And since I don't want her to spill hot chocolate on my white carpet for the fourth time, I decided to drive to your boy's house.'' He kissed me on the cheek before walking into the house like he already owned the place.

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Where stories live. Discover now