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It was a nice, comforting night, sunset at its best, everyone on Earth was at peace. Until... a loud crash struck the surface of the planet, a strong force blew people over, the world began to break apart, people screamed in horror, a purple smoke came over them, clearing each of their memory's of what had just happened to their precious home. But that day had long passed by now, only weeks before had the world been saved by a brave hero, you wanted to know more about the hero, but thought it was probably for the best that you didn't, since they may be overcrowded with fangirls and critics. Your name was (y/n) The (t/a), you were just finishing up your packing to move to your new house, though it may sound crazy for a 15-year-old to move away from their family, you didn't have a family. You placed the last box in the truck, you brushed off your hands from the dust you collected while packing, "Ready to go miss (y/n)?" You nodded with a smile, you jumped into your car and led the truck to your home. It took two hours to get there, but it was all worth it, they helped place furniture, and left you to do the rest of the boxes full of your personal valuables. You flopped on your (p/c) couch, you're not really one of those people who get the job done as soon as they get the assignment, so in other words, you were somewhat lazy. Your eyes began to feel heavy, right when you were going into a deep slumber, the door was knocked on, "Be right there!" You hollered, you got up and opened the door, a medium sized bear stood there with a toothy grin, she gasped and hugged you tightly, "wow you are SO pretty!" You tried pushing away, but her hold was to strong to break, "do I know you?" She placed you back on the ground, "oh uh no. But I'm your new neighbor, I wanted to welcome you here and hoped we'd become friends, anyways, I'm Basil The Grizzly Bear!" She shook your hand, you smiled softly, "(y/n) The (t/a)". That was the beginning of your first relationship since you moved, it didn't take as long as you thought it would, you invited her in and got to know each other better, "So you live here all by yourself? Don't you get lonely?" you shrugged, "Sometimes. But it's no big deal, I can just go out whenever I feel down" she smiled, "well, what are some of your interests?" You got up and talked to her as you entered the kitchen, "I like a lot of things, I like reading, art, music, all kinds of stuff! I mostly draw or read fanfiction when I'm bored." you threw her some chips, she caught it and thanked you, "I like doing the same things, what's your favorite song? mines (f/s)." you squealed, "really?! That's my favorite too!". You got to know Basil in just a matter of minutes, you became best friends, days passed and you felt more comfortable there than you did the last home, the fifth day you were there, Basil came busting into your house, "turn the tv on! Turn it on now!" You were a bit surprised that she ran in there like that but you did what she said, "Breaking News! It seems our brave hero Sonic The Hedgehog is still not done with Dr. Robotnic, also known as Dr. Eggman, with the earths break down. His partner Miles Prower, or Tails, says that the smoke field that was set off had this sort of chemical that caused people to lose there memory, AND to keep Sonic permanently a creature called a werehog,this is what they have to say: "we thought it was over but apparently we were wrong, we're going to find Egghead and stop his evil plan as soon as possible!" thats all we have for now on Breaking News." you rolled your eyes, "THATS what you wanted to show me? It's a total scam, they're only saying that to get attention!" You turned the tv off, "(y/n)! He's a werehog! You know like werewolves? He comes through this town all the time, maybe we can meet him!" You threw a pillow at her playfully, "He's a celebrity. I highly doubt we'll meet him, and I don't believe in werewolves, their just a myth, I like them because I like to read them, not because I want to believe in a fairytale". She sighed and left, you watched the news one last time to get more information about the werehog thing just to make sure what your real opinion was, you turned it off and went to bed, feeling just the same as you were before.

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