Sugar and Spice

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A howl echoed through the night, causing you to jump awake, you ran to the window of your room but saw nothing, you slipped your sneakers on, a white tank top, army green pants, and a gun with some ammo. You grabbed a camera and started recording, "ok guys, this werehog thing on the news, it's time to prove you all wrong. Werehogs, werewolves, were-anything, their just myths, I heard a howl outside, it's probably someone trying to act it out so people can start believing it's true, let's go and find us a fraud!" You ran out side with the camera set on night vision. You got to the park that was a mile away from your house, this park was in the middle of the woods, so it had to be there, you slowed down as you got on the dirt path heading towards the clearing to the park, "ok mr.werehog, where are you?" You looked through the trees to see any sign of it, you turned a flashlight on that was set up in the camera, nothing, a twig snapped behind you, you squealed a spun around, "what was that?" You whispered. You started to feel like you were being watched, leaves rustled, 'um..SHOOT! What's his name?! It starts with an S...Sonic! That's it!' You thought, "Hello?! Anybody out there?!" you called, no response, you picked up your pace on the path, thinking you were being just paranoid, but the feeling of being watched only grew, another twig snapped, "whose there?!" You turned around to see you were being watched, "Sonic right? Come out!" You demanded, a shadow loomed over you, before you can turn, you were snatched up by your feet, you screamed, your eyes meeting terrifying fangs. Your heart quickened, your lungs tightening, if this was the end, you were hoping the camera was still playing on the ground, "who are you? One of Eggmans spies I bet" he growled, "what?! N-no! I'm (y/n) The (t/a). Just please don't hurt me!" He picked up the camera, "if your not a spy, then how do you explain this?" You began to shake with fear, "um..I..I" you were cut off, "exactly. your staying with me until further notice." You tried fighting, but he was much to strong, even stronger than Basil, "no point fighting. hey what's this?!" He grabbed your gun and ammo, "give that back that's mine! And put me down!" He smirked, "I see what you're doing now. Egghead sent you to kill me, just he wait!" He threw you over his shoulder, you struggled but he growled angrily so you stopped, afraid he might hurt you. He came to a small fox with two tails, "Hey Tails! Guess what I found?" He dropped you on the ground and held you there, "what is it Sonic?" He examined you curiously, "Eggman sent a spy on us. I even believe he created her!" You growled, "For the last time! I'm NOT a SPY!! Now let me go!" You struggled under his grip, Sonic grabbed rope and tied your ankles and arms together, "that will keep you from going anywhere!". You finally had the chance to examine the so called werehog, he had large teeth and arms, pointy ears and claws, and a lot of fur, for once you did believe in werewolves, "I was only trying to see if you were a fraud! I didn't believe in werehogs! Honest! L-look at the video, I swear I'm telling you the truth!". He chuckled, "yeah we'll see about that!" Tails gave a questioning look, "what are we going to do with her?", he shrugged, "keep her prisoner." your heart raced, "let's asked her questions first, what's your name?" You didn't answer, "she's giving the silent treatment huh? Let's see if she'll stay quiet after this" he grabbed a sharp object, you panicked, "ok ok! It's (y/n) The (t/a)!" He dropped the object with a shrug, "well (y/n), you said you came out here because you thought we were frauds, why do you think that?" You scoffed, "because I don't believe in fairytales, that's why. I saw you on the news thanks to my friend Basil, but when that women said werehog, I thought you guys only wanted attention, obviously I was wrong, and I'm sorry." he smiled, "It's ok! We forgive you, RIGHT Sonic?" He huffed and crossed his arms, grumbling under his breath, "what?" He rolled his eyes, "yeah your forgiven, whatever" you giggled, "That's not funny. Stop that." you began to laugh, "Stop or your going to regret it." you laughed louder, you were picked up by the feet again, "I said cut it out." he growled, you began to stop, "ok ok.. I'm good". Tails asked more questions about you, and when he finished he came up with an analysis, "She could be telling the truth, but we're going to need her a little longer so I can get more information to be sure", you felt a sharp pain in your arm, "fine with me." you slowly blacked out, and the whole world just faded.

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