A Lady Thief

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Time to make Sonic JEALOUS!!! I had to add Shadow ok? He's my bae! So I HAD to make this chapter, he is a thief.. OF MY HEART!!❤️❤️!! Anyways, enough of my fangirling. Enjoy yourself my minions! Later!
***Sonic's POV***
I hate hate HATE Shadow! Whenever I'm with this jerk I see ALL the girls starring and giggling, HE'S A LADY THIEF! He could steal any girl from any man if he wanted to, thank GOD he isn't interested in dating, but that doesn't mean he will STAY like that. If he knows better he'll stay away from (y/n), I might become a animal BEFORE the moon comes up if he even thinks about laying a hand on her! SHE'S MINE!!...Did I just say that out loud?...scratch that! As much as I wanted to give him a death glare and the silent treatment, I better try and get along with him, "Hey Shades! How's my old pal doing?" He huffed, can he ever be happy? "I'm fine. Just here to take care of the dog problem you got yourself into." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, you can't blame me, he is kind of scary since he's emo (NO HE'S NOT!!). "Oh uh..heheh right.." his eyes landed on (y/n), "whose she?" He pointed to her, I honestly want my fangs back right now, SO I CAN TEAR HIS FREAK'N THROAT OUT!! Calm down Sonic, calm down... "I'm (y/n) The (t/a). And you are?" She asked politely, "Shadow The Hedgehog." he answered horsily, she looked offended by the way he said that, if She cries a single tear it will be the end of him. Then I felt a pang of three emotions: love, fear, and sadness. I can't believe it. I fell in love with (y/n) The (t/a)... How am I going to tell her? What if she rejects me?! What if she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore?!! I.. I can't bear the thought of losing her... I can't LIVE without her!... I need her... I-I-I love her... 'Oh what am I going to do?! Should I tell her? No you idiot! She'll get mad at you and hate you for the rest of your life, do you really think that's a good idea?!!' I scolded myself, my thoughts disappeared when I heard my name, "Sonic are you ok?..." I starred into those hypnotizing, beautiful (e/c) eyes, "Oh me?...I-I'm fine! Why'd you ask " She smiled, "Just wondering! Come on let's go inside!" She took my hand and led me into the house. Oh (y/n). What am I suppose to do?..

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