You're going down...

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Hello my minions! I just want to give a huge thanks to sydney-the-hedgehog who has just recently started a book with me starring in it! Awesome right! And I get a boooyfriiieeennnd!!~ *Sings and dances* *stops at the sound of laughter* SONIC!! DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW!!
(Sonic:) NOPE! Maybe I should send that to Shadow?..
(Sonic:) HA! I'd like to see you try!
(Sonic:) *screeches like a little girl (XD)*
***(Y/n)'s POV***
A LOT has happened in just one day, and I'm SUPER exhausted! I leaned on Sonic's shoulders for support to keep me standing, he looked down at me "Are you alright (y/n)?", I lazily nodded and yawned, he smiled and patted my head "It's ok (y/n)! You and me can take a nap when we get home.." he said as he yawned, I smiled back and continued home. I could see the house, it was just over this one hill, I smiled ready for the comfort of that soft couch, so ready I could almost feel it already. I was so lost I didn't even realize the thing behind me, I squealed as a metal claw wrapped around me and snatched me into a think glass container, I looked down at Sonic shocked and banged on the glass "Hey! Get me out of here!", Sonic growled "Egghead! Release (y/n) right now or you'll have to get the most humiliating smack down you will ever have in your entire pathetic life!" He demanded angrily, this so called 'Egghead' bellowed "HOHOHO! Not this time you blue rat! I'm going to give her the 'special treatment' to destroy you!", Amy gasped "You're a monster Eggman! Say hello to my HAMMER!" She pulled out her hammer and jumped after the floating machine, but it only pulled itself higher, missed by a foot. Eggman laughed evilly "See you around friend." And took off, with me inside... I panicked, the fact that this guy was a villain and he was going to do something to me, and maybe possibly kill me, freaked me out. I didn't want to go out like this! Not without seeing Sonic before I pass...

***Sonic's POV***
'WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU SONIC?!!! YOU JUST LET EGGHEAD GET AWAY WITH THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!!YOU IDIOT!!' I scolded myself as I ran, I got to a cliff and watched helplessly as they flew into space, I quickly pulled out my phone and contacted Tails "Hello?" I looked at Amy so she would shut up so I could talk "Tails! Grab the Tornado right now and pick me up, (y/n)'s in danger! I'll explain everything when you get here!" And I hung up without another word. Eggman is going to get this time, I've never been more mad in my life, he always take away the people I care about, but taking (y/n) is the biggest mistake he ever made! AND ITLL BE THE LAST TIME HE TOUCHES (Y/N) AGAIN!! HES GOING DOWN! AND HES GOING DOWN HARD!!

Dog Treats (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें