Chapter Eight

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"Sit," the Alpha ordered, nodding his head at the black leather recliner in front of his desk.

My eyes landed on the seat and I bit my bottom lip, nervously. If I was to sit there, I would be too close to him. I wasn't sure if I could survive the close proximity.

My emotions, and heart rate, were all over the place. I could hardly think straight all just because I found him attractive. I felt like a thirteen year old crushing on someone for the first time. It was absurd.

"Relax. I am not going to hurt you," the man assured, but I was feeling far from it with the stories that I had heard. "Go ahead."

He nodded at the single recliner once again.

Hesitantly, I followed the Alpha's orders and strutted toward the seat. I could feel his eyes burning in to my soul, but I dared not to look up. When I placed myself on the leather, I felt myself completely relax. It had been a long day and only now did I realise how much I needed to rest. Except, I remembered that I was in the same room as the Alpha, unable to remain relaxed. All I could wonder was when my time to die would be. Jaxon and Ava would find me dead, without a goodbye. 

"What is your name?" he interrogated.

"Lyra," I mumbled a response and fiddled with my hands on my lap.

"Lyra," he repeated, softly.

Hearing my name on his lips was more attractive than I would have liked to admit, and it made me glance up at him. His eyes seemed to have softened compared to before. They were more of an ocean blue now rather than the dark they had portrayed earlier.

His ash brown hair was styled messily on his head as if he'd ran a hand through it a couple of times, nevertheless still portraying his attractiveness. He was beautiful, I wasn't going to deny that. When a smile tugged at the Alpha's lips, I tore my eyes away from him.

My Wolf enjoyed this interaction much more than I was. 

"I am Alexander. You can call me Xander," he introduced, making me scrunch my brows up at him.

I had already learned his name but he didn't need to know that.

"Do you always treat your enemies like this?"

Quite contrary to my words, I knew he didn't. I just found it odd how carefree this man seemed, the opposite of what I had heard of him to be like. He was a leader, someone that hardly had time for irrelevant Wolves, yet here he was making small talk with me.

Alexander seemed amused by my question. "Is that what it looks like?"

I shrugged, not sure how to respond.

"It's the opposite of what I have heard you to be like," I responded without a second thought, surprising myself. 

"You already know who I am," Alexander confirmed, his voice completely flat as if he was not surprised. "Tell me, I'm intrigued to know about myself." 

When I glanced up at him, I was surprised to see his eyes had darkened. The playfulness on his face had been wiped off completely. Was he messing around with me?

"Why am I here?" I asked, changing the subject.

The man narrowed his eyes at me. "Seeing as you know who I am, I think you already know the answer to that."

My brows raised at his words. "Your men took me from my pack by force," I explained. "I get it, I'm the enemy. But how does kidnapping me help anyone, exactly?"

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