Chapter Twenty Five

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The second my body hit the wooden twigs on the ground, my eyes fluttered open.

For a second, I wished they had remained closed. The sight before me was not one that I wish I had witnessed.

A bunch of Wolves were fighting, possibly tearing each other's fur apart.

My eyes widened in shock as I took in the scene ahead of me. It was like slow motion. Wolves were leaping at each other with the intention to kill, meanwhile, someone was screaming in the background, giving me a headache.

A low growl that sounded more like a whimper escaped my mouth when I realised the loud screams were coming from none other than Alana.

I wasn't sure why I felt so weak, but when I tried to stand up, I ended up falling back to the floor.


At the sound of his voice, my head snapped up in shock. Dyami guarded me with concerned eyes, bowed his head once and vanished back to the crowd.

Dyami was here? My eyes narrowly scanned the chaos, until they landed on the person that I had been searching for.


His gaze wasn't on me. It was on something else. When my eyes travelled in the direction of his gaze, I realised he was glaring at Gabriel.

Gabriel snarled loudly and shifted in to his Wolf, darting toward my mate. I could hardly watch the scene unfold before me, but didn't dare to look away.

My breathing hitched as I stared in horror at the two Alpha's fighting.

"Lyra, are you okay?"

Ava's voice snapped my gaze away from the war happening before us, and I glanced at her in confusion.

Every second felt unreal and like a horrible dream. I was pretty sure Ava was locked up in Silver Crescent.

"What are you doing here?" I hesitantly asked, unsure if I was dreaming.

"That's not the problem right now. Can you stand?"

My best friend crouched down on the ground near me and wrapped an arm around me to help me stand up from my position, confirming that she was indeed real.

"Where is Jaxon? And Matteo?" I asked her.

"They're not here," she explained. "I will explain later, right now we need to get out of here."

"What is happening, Ave?"

Ava managed to help me up, and we began to slowly walk away from where the crowd of fighting Wolves were.

The burning sensation in my neck had subsided, but I felt weak.

"I'm not too sure," Ava admitted. "When we found out Gabriel had you, your mate rushed here."

My mate. Alexander had come for me. It made me feel worse because I had been the cause of the current situation.

"You bitch!"

"What the hell?" Ava snarled, making us both turn at the sound of Alana's voice.

"You didn't think you could just get away like that, did you?" Alana spat, her eyes completely black.

"Alana, unless you have a death wish— you will walk away, now," the girl beside me growled.

"Shut up, Ava. You're irrelevant as it is," the blonde girl standing a couple of feet away from us warned. "I want her."

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