The Chicago base and the flight

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'Goodmorning,' Jay greeted as he stepped out of his truck. He was wearing his army fatigues, had a backpack on his back and held a dufflebag in his hand. 'Sorry I'm late, someone didn't want to wake up.' He nodded his head to Will who stept out of the other side of the car. His hair was a mess and it was obvious he could fall asleep any second. The whole unit was standing in front of the main entry waiting for him. They laughed at Will who mumbled something about the time.

'Why did you bring Will?' Rojas asked. 'He's not a cop.'

'I brought him because he might be a target and I'm more comfortable when I can keep an eye on him,' Jay answerd. He walked past them and opened the door with his badge. They walked to something what looked like a reception.

'Goodmorning Alicia,' Jay greeted the women behind the desk. 'How are you today? Did you do something to your hair? It looks great.'

The women looked up and smiled warmly. 'If it isn't mr. Charming himself. And thank you, yes, I dit get a haircut. What brings you by today? I thought we were expecting you next week? Or am I wrong?'

'No you are not wrong, but I am not here for that. I got called into Benning and Mouse got us a helicopter. Do you know where it is standing?'

'I do not, but I will look it up for you. Just a sec.'


'Why are they expecting here next week?' Hailey asked curiously.

Jay frowned and thought for a moment. 'I don't think I have told you that. I give sniperclasses about once a month,' he explained.

Hailey raises her eyebrows and exchanges a look with Voight. He shrugs his shoulders. He didn't know that either.

'Your helicopter is already prepped, fueled and waiting on field 9,' Alicia said to Jay.

'Thank you Alicia, have a great day,' Jay said while he walked away.

'Thanks, you to,' she greeted back and turned back to her computer.

Jay walked in front of the others and lead the way to the helicopter. Hailey walked a little faster so she walked next to him.

'Since when do you teach classes for the army?' she asked.

Jay looked at her. 'Ever since I left,' he answerd. 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It just never really came up.'

Hailey nodded, that was true. Jay didn't talk much about his time in the army. A group of military with a dog walked in their direction. The dog was pulling his leash and tried to walk to them. The handler let him.

'That's just great,' Rojas mumbled. 'Just what we need. A dog.' Everybody knew she didn't like dogs, or the military for that matter. Jay turned around and looked at her. 'Don't worry,' he said. 'They don't do anything.' She laughed. 'That's what they always say.' Jay rolled his eyes. But then he recognized the dog and he squatted down.

'Hallo Buster,' he said. 'Wie getz?'

The dog rubbed his nose against Jays chest and Jay pulled out his dogtags from under his jacket. Buster rubbed his nose against the tags. He tickled the dog between his ears who moaned happily.

'Hey Hawk,' he heard a voice above him.

'Hey Lucas,' he greated the man who was holding the dog leash. Jay stood up and gave the man a hug. 'How are you? It's been a while.'

'I'm fine, thanks. I tought you quit,' he said as he looked at his fatigues.

'Yes I did, but they need me at Benning for some stuff,' he said vaguely.

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