The liberation

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'Pop, pop, pop, pop,' it sounded. One by one the men outside fell to the ground. A few screamed in pain and others were silent. Inside the buiding the rest of the enemies startled when they heard the gunshots and the screams of their friends. The leader Arizul Amali shouted orders and five men went to check on the prisoners while ten men went outside to take in the situation. Another ten stayed with him. They barely set foot outside when more gunshots sounded and they all fell to the ground. The metallic smell of blood invaded Jay's nose when he carefully ran past the downed men. His gun was raised, prepared for a counterattack. A few guys rounded the corner and before they could even think about shooting they touched the ground. He heard someone gargle in the room to his right and he entered. In the middle of the room sat his best friend with his hands and legs strapped to a chair. His head was tilted back and he had a cloth over his mouth. One men held his head while another slowly poured water on the cloth while another one punched him. Without a second thought Jay shot all three men and jerked the cloth away and pushed his friends head forwards while he slapped hard, but gentle him on the back. Mouse immediatly started coughing and spitting water.

'Breathe man. Breathe. You okay bud?' Jay asked worried while he unchained him. Between his coughing fits Mouse nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

'Alright, you stay here and I'll go get the others,' he ordered. Mouse nodded again and Jay left the room to look for the rest of his team. Only a few rooms besides the one he was in now he found the others. A few enemies were standing in between them, but without hesitation Jay shot them all. After he cleared the room he took a nonchalant pose.

'Will you guys stop sitting around?' he asked. His team smiled at him from where they were sitting on the floor, chained to the wall.

'Hilarious Hawk,' Dallas said on a dry tone.

'I know,' Jay said with a smug smile while he unchained them. The moment Tally was free he grabbed a gun from one of the enemies and walked towards the room where Mouse was being held.

'We got Amali?' Cards informed while Jay worked on his cuffs.

'Fuck,' Jay cursed silently. 'I don't think I saw him. He must have gotten away trough the village.'

'Well, let's go after them then,' Rips said with a fiery voice. Jay hesitated. It was dark and they weren't with many, but the enemy was thinned out and, unlike his team who just retrieved their guns, shirts, boots and bulletproofvests, they didn't have good quality equipment. 

'Alright,' he agreed after a minute. 

'Tally, how's Mouse?' he asked. 

'A couple nasty bruises and he probably has some water in his lungs, but nothing to serious.' 

'Good, if we're going after Amali I want a medic with me. Gear up,' Jay ordered. 'Okay, I want Weat, Texas and Mouse to stay here. You guys clear this building and guard it. Shoot every man with a gun you see except us, don't let anyone in here. We have about two hours of darkness left, use it. Take high positions, hide and set up a sniperspot. Tally, Cards, Dallas, Rips and myself are going after Amali and we clear the rest of the village. Everyone stay on comms.' 

'What are our rules of engagement?' Dallas informed. 

'We shoot to kill. Everybody comes home tonight, got it?' Jay said sternly.

'Got it,' they all nodded.

'Good, let's go then,' Jay ordered.   

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