The mission

687 13 4

8 years earlier

'Let's get a move on guys, Lieutenant, you in position?' Mouse asked.

'In position,' Jay answerd. 'Let's go.'

Jay was laying on his stomach on a hilltop about 2 miles north from his unit and Mouse. They got a tip that there were guns, drugs and children in this building and they were sent to rescue the kids and make sure that the drugs and guns didn't fall into the wrong hands. It was their first mission since they came back from a short leave yesterday.

'Weather is turning bad,' Weat stated. 'Looks like a sandstorm is coming up.'

'Well, let's make this quick then,' Mouse said. 'Move in.'

Tally kicked the door in, as quiet as he could, and with Mouse up front the seven men entered the building.

'Clear, clear, clear,' it sounded quietly while they were walking trough the hallway. They saw another door at the end and Tally kicked it in. They walked into a large space wich obviously served as the mainroom. There were several doors on the other side of the room. Mouse made a gesture with his hand.

'Split,' he whispered. The team split up in three groups. Mouse with Tally and Rips, Cards with Dallas and Texas with Weat. Each of the groups moved towards one of the doors when suddenly they heard a lot of noises behind them. Mouse turned around quickly and saw at least thirty guns pointed in their direction. Nobody moved. He cursed under his breath.

'What is it?' Jay asked over the comms.

'We got made, they ambushed us in the mainroom,' Mouse said quietly. 'We're split up and we have at least thirty guns pointed at us.'


'Mouse, can you get out of there?' Jay asked. Mouse observed the situation for a couple seconds.

'Right now, no. Not without victims on our side. We have to many guns pointed at us, what do we do?' he asked.

'Your decision Mouse, I'm not there so I don't see the situation, your call. Make the right one,' Jay answerd. He squeezed his sniperrifle while he waited anxiously for Mouse to say something.

Mouse hesitated for a couple of seconds. He looked to the left and the right and saw the faces of his men. He saw the guns pointed at them. He thought about every possibility, he weighed their chances and made a call. He took both hands of his gun and raised them in the air. His gun was still strapped to his shoulder and hung in front of his chest.

'Don't shoot,' he said in Pashto. An Afghan language. The men behind him followed his lead, they all let go of their guns and raised their hands in sign of surrender.

'Hands on your head and turn around,' one of the men barked, clearly the leader. Mouse recognized him as their target Arizul Amali. They obeyed and turned their faces towards the wall while they held their hands on their head. Mouse was uncomfortable, because he no longer had any control over the situation. 

'Lose the guns, don't touch them,' the same voice barked again. Slowly and carefully Mouse grabbed the strap wich held his gun to his chest and lifted it over his head. He dumped it on the ground and put his hand back on his head. The others copied his actions. Barely a second after the last guns touched the ground the men moved in. Mouse and the unit were shoved into the wall and they were roughly frisked for weapons. All the guns and knives they carried were dumped on the ground, out of their reach. One of the men shoved Mouses head against the wall and he could feel blood seeping towards his eyes. Angry he wanted to punch him back. He turned half around, took his hands off his head and made a move to punch the guy behind him, but he stopped his movements when he felt a gun to the side of his head.

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