Fort Benning

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'Here we are,' Jay announced as he walked towards a big building with the rest of the unit on his heels. 'The main building of fort Benning.' He scanned his handpalm, his eye, entered his password and held his army badge in front of a scanner. They heard a buzz and the door unlocked. The security here was more extensive then in Chicago. They had to walk trough metal detector gates.

'Please put your weapons and everything metal on this tray and walk trough the gate,' a friendly looking woman said. Hailey went first, she put her gun, belt and necklass on the tray and walked trough the gate. It didn't beep. Jay was next, they all watched with amazement as he put his weapons in the tray.

'You're kidding me right?' Rojas asked.

Jay frowned. 'Why, what do you mean?' he asked confused.

She nodded her head at the tray that hold his weapons. 'Do you always carry that much?' she asked.

Jay looked at the tray. It had his gun, his dogtags, his suitcase with his sniperrifle, 9 knives, a boxing iron and a collapsible baton. He didn't think it was anything weird. He shrugged his shoulders. 'Most of the time just the gun and the knives. The other ones are just for special occasions,' he said while he walked trough the gate. It didn't beep so he put his weapons back on. He waited till everybody went trough the gates and they walked further into the building to a desk on the side.

'Hey Eddie,' Jay greeted the guy who was manning the desk.

'Hey Jay, how was Utah and what the hell did you do to your eye?' he asked.

'Utah was fun, thanks. I got into a little fight with some guy, it's no big deal,' he shrugged. 'Hey, I'm looking for the colonel, do you know where he is?'

'He's in the cortex, but I heard he is sending a rookie to pick you up. Should be down here any minute.'

'Okay, thanks,' Jay said as he turned around to the unit. He sighed deeply. 'And now we wait.' Jay wasn't the most patient man on earth.

'What were you doing in Utah?' Voight asked.

Jay frowned. 'I told you, I give sniperclasses,' he said after a couple of seconds.

'Yeah, I heard that. Why all the way in Utah?' he asked.

'Well they asked me, it was weekend, we didn't have a case so I figured, why the hell not? Utah is really nice by the way. Great weather.' Voight looked like he was about to say something but he didn't get the chance because a young man appeared.

'Lieutenant Halstead?' he asked a bit insecure.

Jay turned around. 'Yes, how can I help you?'

The young man saluted and then put his hands behind his back. 'It's an honour to meet you sir,' he said. 'My name is Colin Briggs, the colonel sent me to pick you and your team up and lead you to the cortex.'

'Allright, lead the way Briggs,' Jay said but before they took a step they heard a voice blaring trough the hall.

'Jason Halstead, back in fatigues, my eyes must be fooling me.'

Jay looked towards they voice, rolled his eyes, shook his head and smirked. 'Excuse me a second,' he said as he walked towards the man, saluted and gave him a hug.

Adam broke the silence that had fallen.

'I'm sorry, did anyone catch the part where Jay is a lieutenant?' he asked shocked.

'It was kind of hard to miss,' Kevin agreed.

'Yeah, what the hell,' Kim added.

Will became curious about his brother and asked Briggs for an explanation. 'Why is it an honour to meet him?' he asked.

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