Part 21

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Sanzu took you to the living room to watch TV while the evil woman was getting ready to go out with her friends.

You were just sitting on the floor playing with your kitten pussy (pussy is back( fucken Ran coming up with best names)), ignoring Sanzu because you were upset and felt neglected, remembering how the evil woman told you that she was replacing you.

"Babe, I'm going out," she said as she finally left.

"Okay, have fun. I love you," Sanzu replied as you internally barfed.


After a while of you ignoring Sanzu, he finally tried to get you un mad at him.

"Haruka, let's have a father-daughter day," he said excitedly. To which you ignored and moved farther away from him. But eventually, he kept on nagging, and you agreed to go with him.


The two of you went to an amusement park because Sanzu saw a bunch of rides for toddlers when he drove by earlier that day.

When you exited the car, your eyes instantly lit up with excitement as you looked at all the rides and games.

"Okay, Haruka, what do you want to ride first?" he asked while smiling at how excited you were.


After a while, Sanzu thought you would tire out, but you were determined to ride every ride you were tall enough for. ( you are still too short for a lot of the rides)

"Dada, get this," you said, pointing at a cotton candy stand. He just smiled and nodded as you picked out the blue cotton candy.

You were happy and giggling as you almost finished riding all the rides when Sanzu got a phone call from Guess who the evil women were.

He instantly stopped paying attention to you and answered the call.

(After the phone call 📱)

"Come on, Haruka, we have to go pick up Emi" (I decided that the evil woman's name)

Your happy smile instantly turned into a frown as you sat on the floor, unwilling to leave to see that evil woman.

"Come on, Haruka, we have to go," he said, picking you up, not paying attention to your sulking state.


(After picking the women up and going back to the house)

You were very upset she was spending the night again. You were pissed because you were forced to sleep in your room when she was over.

Sanzu had tucked you in, however, and read you a story he wrote called "fuck traders," however but it still wasn't the same. (PS Mucho was definitely in the story😂)

You eventually fell asleep, but the thing the woman said kept replaying in your mind, causing you to wake up from a nightmare.

You woke up crying, seeking Sanzu for comfort from the dream. You walked to his door and tried to open it, but it was locked. So you just sat outside his door and cried, hoping he would answer.

Eventually, Sanzu opened the boor and came out half asleep as you made him pick you up.

"What's wrong," he asked, but you didn't answer.

"Bad dream?" He asked, and you nodded as he rubbed your back and took you to his room to lie down with you

Authors notes 📝
I hope you liked it 😊

Sanzu's Daughter (Tokyo revengers) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum