First Clue?

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⚠️Trigger Warning:Blood,Violence ⚠️

Limping and panting the man reached the narrow alley. His body was totally drenched due to the constant drizzling but his face, his face was drenched with blood.

He leaned against the wall constantly looking back trying to figure out if he is still chased by the monster or not. Once assured he is all alone. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply

Sigh of relief.

In that narrow alley there was only one yellow bulb which was flickering in the rain and some bins filled with garbage

Suddenly a cat jumped from the top frightening the man. He abruptly opened his eyes and relaxed a bit when he realised it was just a cat.

But it didn't last long.

As he moved his head a little to the left he came face to face with him

"no no no-oon-noo please" he stuttered quitely, his voice was almost inaudible due to the dry throat

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"no no no-oon-noo please" he stuttered quitely, his voice was almost inaudible due to the dry throat.

Shaking he took his step back.

The masked creature shook his head slowly

"there is no escape my friend" with that the weapon was raised and blood splattered on the wall of the alley as the cat stared in horror.

Only if it could speak.

"Oh man you are all drenched" said Taehyung as soon as he opened the door and found a pretty swamped Jungkook standing infront of his door.

"come in I will get you a towel"

Jungkook entered the house and took off his black coat revealing his drenched white shirt. Taehyung came back and gave him the towel.

Jungkook stood infront of the radiator and rubbed his wet hair with towel. And taehyung? Well taehyung just stared at Jungkook mostly at his toned  body which was now quite visible thanks to the wet white shirt. Taehyung was having a pretty hard time hiding his blush as his eyes roamed on Jungkook's toned chest and perfect biceps.

"Are you done?" inquired jungkook with the slight pinch of tease.

Taehyung came out of the daze and started looking here and there out of embarrassment.

"Where is Soobin?" asked Jungkook sitting on the couch. As Jeena was busy with work taehyung told jungkook he will keep Soobin at his place for that evening.

"oh he is playing some games in my room" he replied taking the towel from jungkook "He is getting pretty well with you" said Jungkook

"Oh grumpy I am great with kids" shrugged Taehyung

Jungkook couldn't disagree with that. Taehyung was actually pretty good with kids so much so that even Jeena felt comfortable leaving Soobin with him when she is not around and Soobin has also got pretty fond of him.

"Soobin your uncle is here" calls Taehyung and he goes to the kitchen to bring some snacks for them.

"coming" the boy yells back.

After a while Soobin runs out of the room towards Jungkook and jungkook notices that the boy is holding to a black piece of cloth along with his toys.

The 6 year old chubby boy sits on the couch with all those stuff, struggling a bit to be comfortable.

Jungkook's eyes fall on that piece of clothing "Soobin I told you not to touch anything with out their permission" he said trying to take it from the boy

"oh dont worry Taehyung wont mind " he said innocently and then the little one started to blabber about how he was planning to create something with that cloth but none of his words reached his uncle's ears as he was totally lost in that black cloth.

Jungkook placed the cloth on his lap which was actually a black tshirt with long sleeves. He ran his fingers over the material again and again.

"this material" he murmured

We found this piece of cloth in here. Looks like Jackson tore it from the murderer's cloth while he was fighting him

That scene from Jackson Wang's house flashed infront of his eyes where Yoongi showed him that piece of cloth. Jungkook looked at the tshirt again and as he thought its shoulder was ripped, a piece was missing.

He frowned "where did you get this from??" he asked Soobin

"oh that's namjoon hyung 's" answered taehyung as he entered with the snacks.

"oh uhm uh sorry Taehyung he shouldn't have"

"oh don't worry about it jungkook i was about to throw it away i have no idea why Namjoon hyung was keeping that half torn t-shirt under his mattress" taehyung shook his head while giving the glass of juice to Soobin who willingly took it from him.

Jungkook again looked back at the tshirt.

Under the mattress? Was Namjoon trying to hide it, thought jungkook.

"Soobin go bring your bag" he told the boy who like the most obedient child ran to get his bag.

Taehyung hesitantly took the sit beside Jungkook. There was something he was planning to ask Jungkook for a very long time but he was extremely nervous because he was sure the strict officer will surely turn him down. Still he wanted to take his chance.

"umm jungkook" he called very quitely

"hmm" replied jungkook still looking at the t-shirt

"umm i wanted to ask you something" he said nervously. God Kim Taehyung has never been so nervous in his life


"umm uh ummm umm jungkook will" he cleared his throat which was getting all dried up due to nervousness "Will you go to the prom with me?" he blurted out.

Jungkook immediately looked at him and got confused "prom? They have prom for grown ass men?"

Taehyung went straight from grinning to poker face.

"its my school's... as a teacher i am allowed to bring someone" he explained

"oh" replied jungkook "hmm" he rubbed his chin

Taehyung looked at him carefully still waiting for an answer

"Soobin is here"


"soobin is here" repeated Jungkook making taehyung turn looking at the 6 year old standing with his backpack

"oh yeah" taehyung laughed nervously and looked at jungkook again who just stood up.

"we should probably go and i am taking this with me" he said showing the t-shirt "Soobin wants to make something with it" he lied.

"hmm ok bye" taehyung lowered his head trying to hide his disappointment and somewhere his broken heart.

Jungkook and soobin were almost close to the door when jk turned "Btw Taehyung will it be ok if i dont wear a tuxedo" he grinned showing his bunny teeth

Taehyung abruptly stood up his face glowing with happiness "perfectly ok" he blushed almost jumping with joy, but somehow he control.

"i will be there at 8"

Later that night in the lab....

"what happened jungkook you called us here so late" asked Yoongi who entered the lab followed by Hoseok.

Jungkook turned around and placed that same black t-shirt on the table.

"i need you to match this with the sample we found at Jackson Wang's house"

Sorry for making it so lengthy
Hope you guys are enjoying the story.

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