Mirror Mirror on the Wall

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"Who is V?" He asks again this time his voice is a bit more firm but still broken.

Jungkook gulps hard, he looks down trying to find a new lie but most importantly trying to avoid his gaze. You really cannot lie to a person looking directly into his eyes!

Taehyung looks down at his hands, his knuckles bruised and bloody. He looks around "how how did this happen??where is that man? The man who was attacking you?"

Jungkook remained silent

"I remember I came through the door saw someone was trying to hurt you and I I but I can't remember....." He panics "why can't I remember???"

Taehyung gets up and just then Namjoon comes running in "what is happening here??" The first thing he does is turn the lights on

"Oh my God Jungkook you are bleeding!! What happened?" He rushed to Jungkook but he didn't notice Taehyung's state, he thought his brother was there just to help Jungkook

"Hyung?" Namjoon turns and looks at Taehyung then he notices how disturbed he looks

"Who is V?"

Namjoon freezes on spot, it's like his whole world is crumbling now

Taehyung takes a step forward "please I want the truth"

Jungkook was at a fix. He recalled every word briefed by Dr. Henry and he realised how important it was for Taehyung to meet V.

He looked at Namjoon, who was scared and tensed but still he looked back at Jungkook. He slowly walked abit back in a way giving the authority to Jungkook to take the decision because he was too emotional to deal with it....a very soft and almost inaudible 'I cant' came out of Namjoon's lips.

Jungkook nodded totally comprehensing his emotions.

He looked back at Taehyung who was now looking at him with thousand questions in his eyes.

"Taehyung, why don't you come with me" very cautiosly he took his hand and brought him out of his own house and took him directly to Tae's room.

"Please sit" he indicated the bed, Taehyung looked at it and then looked back at Jungkook but he  sat holding his hands together.

Jungkook left the room and came back after a while with a file.

He sat beside Taehyung amd gently caressed his head, "tae have you ever heard about Dissociative Identity Disorder?" He spoke very carefully like a doting teacher

Taehyung frowned and shook his head

Jungkook removed his hand from his head and took his hand. He put the file in his hand. As Taehyung started to open the file, Jungkook began his explanation

"Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental disorder, in which a person has two different personalities living inside their head...."

Taehyung read through the medical file where everything about his disorder was written

"One of the symptoms of this disorder is memory gap....this is why sometimes you tend to miss out some ...moments "

"Why do I have it?" He asks, his eyes still stuck at the file

"Dr.Henry said its the result of the trauma you faced years ago"

Taehyung looks at Jungkook "I dont understand?? I have another personality? I become a different person about whom I don't even know?? That's absurd!"

"I know it is a lot for you to take in right now" Jungkook wraps his arm around his shoulder, the man has completely forgotten about his bleeding head

"But Taehyung unfortunately it is the truth, you have another personality living in your head. Whenever you get too uncomfortable to face a situation, V, the other one takes control. But you don't need to worry about it...we have already talked to Dr.Henry he said it is curable" he smiles assuring his love that soon everything will be fine

Taehyung rest his forehead on Jungkook's chest who very lovingly caresses him



"How is V like?"

Jungkook stiffens at the question. "How is V like?" How will he answer it? How will he tell the endearing sweet teacher who only loves to spread positivity that his other "side" is a monstrous murderer who has managed to kill people in the most gruesome way possible.

Jungkook decides to let that slide for the time being "Taehyung we will talk about V some other day. Have some rest now okay?" He says lifting Taehyung's head and cupping his cheeks.

Taehyung nods "Yeah and let me bandage your head.."

"No" he holds his hand "I will take care of it you rest okay?"

Taehyung nods and gives a small yet gentle peck on his lips that makes Jungkook smile.

After he left, Taehyung locks the door.

He again takes the file and reads again and again and again about his disorder. He wants to make sense of all this and understand more about it. He searches the Internet and tries to find everything about it but it all still seems so unreal

Soon it was past midnight and he was now really exhausted but as Taehyung was about to go to bed he notices the big mirror on his wall.

He goes there and stands infront of it.

He has stood there almost everyday but today he felt different as if it was a completely different person standing there

He touches his face and then the mirror. Jungkook's words ring in his head as he moves his finger along his reflection on the mirror

"Who are you?" He mumbles trying to meet his other side

"Hello Taehyung" he hears a voice very similar to his yet very different

He shuts his eyes in pain

"Dont worry soon you will meet me"
The voice echoes in his head

Unable to bear that shooting pain in his head, he moves towards his bed.

"Urghhh" the pain keeps on increasing.  He quickly shoves the medicine, kept on the side table into his mouth and lies down

Soon sleep takes over  and Taehyung enters a different world....

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