Travel Back

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18 years ago....

The 13 year old boy looked with teary eyes as their beloved parents were being put to rest. He moved his eyes from their graves and looked at his little brother who was standing beside him holding his hand tightly as he sniffed quietly. The chubby cheeks of the 7 year old was smeared with tears..some old some new.

Seokjin kneeled down in front of the life boy. He put his hand on his cheek while the other was still held by the boy..

"h-hyung eomma Appa" he sobbed looking at the graves.

"shhh tae i know they are not with us anymore but we still have each other right?"

The little boy nods

Seokjin brings him to a warm embrace "from today we will be each other's family and we will always be together. I will always protect you...i promise"

Taehyung breaks away from the embrace "and i will protect you hyung" he says very innocently but with utter confidence

Seokjin fills so touched by that, he knows his brother is still very young but the fact that he atleast wishes to protect him really touched his heart.

Afterall in that big world those two only had each other.

Years passed by and the boys grew up together...loving, caring and supporting each other.

Their parents had left a small house in their name so fortunately they never had to worry about the shelter but they had to struggle for food and money.

Not them.... Seokjin.

Because the elder made sure his little brother puts his entire focus on his studies. So he never allowed Taehyung to work instead he worked two part times while trying really hard to keep up with his studies

Seokjin would only sleep 3 hours a day while he would dedicate the rest to work, studies and taking care of Taehyung.

He always made sure taehyung gets the proper food, his fees are paid and his clothes are nice

But most importantly he made sure Taehyung grows up to be a good human being... Gentle, ethical and full of dignity

Seokjin was responsible in every way and shielded Taehyung from every misery

The two would often spend their time reading books and telling each other about the different stories

For taehyung, Seokjin was everything
His best friend, his brother, his support and his guardian....


Namjoon was looking outside the window while jungkook stood silently behind.

He listened to everything he has been narrating so far and he could actually feel the bond Taehyung and Seokjin shared. It really was a deep one.
Something which you cannot just describe in words...

"we were just 18 years old when I first met Seokjin." smiled Namjoon reminiscing the day he laid his eyes on him

"We used to be in the same college " he looked at Jungkook and smiled.

"Seokjin was a bright student, despite of working so much he never let his grades drop, it was always great. He was also friendly and kind to everyone around and I guess thats what made...made me fall in love with him" namjoon looked down trying really hard to hide his tears.

He then slowly sat on a chair which was kept close to the window "and i was lucky... I was lucky that he loved me back. Oh Jungkook! Its a fortune to be loved by Kim Seokjin because his love is rare.... no can love like my jinni" he wiped his tears away. It was getting so hard for Namjoon to control the emotions that he kept hidden for so many years. He just couldn't hold back the tears that kept rolling down.

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