The Past is just a forgotten History

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    On horseback, a somber figure advanced, the horse brought to a halt as the reins tightened. Clad in robes reminiscent of Ancient China, his countenance mirrored his disquiet. With a hand extended, he reached out to a woman whose tear-filled eyes bore into his. Tenderly, he lifted her onto the horse, brushing his fingers against her cheeks to sweep away the trails of her tears. He whispered assurances that everything would be alright, that they were doing all they could.

The two figures mounting the horse were none other than Emperor of the Xianrong Kingdom and this Queen.

The couple exchanged one last glance with the Emperor of the neighboring kingdom and his minister, the latter cradling their newborn daughter. Only one final step remained: entrusting the Crown Princess of Xianrong, to the neighboring kingdom's Emperor Xiaohong, with whom they had formed an alliance. A battle of immense proportions loomed on the horizon, the impending clash foretelling the impending downfall of the defeated.

The Emperor turned his gaze toward the mounted figures, both exuding an air of resolute determination.

"A Qian," the Emperor addressed, his tone firm, "I will exert every effort to assist you in this battle. While the outcome remains uncertain, I pledge to safeguard your daughter. Go forth with the confidence of victory."

"Xiaohong...," the man's voice trembled with gratitude, "I struggle to find words to express my gratitude. Should we emerge from this ordeal unscathed, I vow to repay your kindness."

And thus, the two men embarked on their journey along with the queen, compelled to relinquish her newborn daughter into the care of Minister Han of the neighboring kingdom.

Minister Han stood silently, his gaze stretching into the distance, alternating between the departing figures and the slumbering infant cradled in his arms.

Yet what lay ahead remained shrouded in mystery: the fate of the child's parents, whether they emerged victorious or perished alongside their realm...

 Years later, with the fall of the once-mighty Xianrong kingdom, history consumed what was once a paragon of valor and benevolence.

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Sixteen years later, a girl garbed in the regal attire of an Imperial Scholar sprinted toward Minister Han, presenting him with her examination results that proclaimed her as the top scholar. She was none other than the infant once left behind in the care of Minister Han.

She was now Han Baozhai, Minister Han's daughter.

 He congratulated her with a fond pat, promising to celebrate her achievement with a treat. Regrettably, his official duties summoned him back to the Emperor's presence, curtailing their interaction. Undeterred, Baozhai sought out her closest confidante, Li Hua. The two shared a bond as strong as life and death, with secrets known only to them.

Even their parents remained oblivious to the truth—that they were not the original offspring, but transmigrated protagonists from an enigmatic realm.

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