Life with Royalty, End of Freedom (6)

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Han Baozhai swiftly sneaked back from the backyard. Her entire body was trembling and she was almost out of breath. The floorboard creaked as she entered and directly found herself face to face with her mother. Her mother's countenance was filled with signs of worry.

Her mother recognised the situation at once on seeing her condition. In the end she held onto Baozhai's hand and led her to the bed with a sigh. Han Baozhai never wanted to meet her mother in that state. She knew she would be worried sick but then, she didn't even have the energy to speak up.

Inside the bed chamber, her mother sat next to her and fed her the suppressants. There was no cure for this type of poison. With a sigh, Han Baozhai heard the woman next to her speak, " You went to the tournament at this state? Did you think I wouldn't find out just because I wasn't home at that time?!"

With much difficulty Baozhai spoke up , " I..I thought you wouldn't really know .."

" Don't speak! Just look at your condition?! It has now come to this state that although you took the suppressants before leaving, your condition is like this! All thanks to how excited you were to rush back, you threw your wet clothes here and there along with the medicine bottle rolling around on the ground! There is already the news of some unknown saviour having saved the eighth prince from drowing! You think I wouldn't know that it was you who jumped in that chilling water in the middle of winter!!!"

Han Baozhai just listened silently and noted her flaws...She felt that her mother could very well be a detective. But other than that she was shocked to know that the child was the eighth prince. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't know when she fell asleep as the sleep inducing effects of the suppressant soon started to take action.

When she woke up, the room was already dyed with the hues of twilight. She could hear the muffled voices of people speaking behind the door of her bed chamber.

Slowly she removed her blankets and got up from her bed. Soon her body was overcome by fatigue after the long day she had although she slept for over five hours already. Han Baozhai sighed knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep the entire night now.

She slowly opened the door and went to the room from where she could hear the voices.

' Hmm...that voice? ... Father's home?'

Seeing her standing outside, a man got up from where he was seated and faced her. He was none other than Minister Han, her foster father in this life. He sighed and patted her while urging her to come inside the room.

As soon as she entered, her eyes met those of her brother, General Han Pei Zhi. He sat in a poised manner and on seeing her, a faint trace of shock filled his face.

He thought he was almost foreign to Han Baozhai. She was just a toddler when they last met, and other than that when he had come home for a visit, Han Baozhai was away on a trip from the academia.

Although Han Baozhai was very young when he last met her, she very well remembered him. After all her brain was that of a matured person when she transmigrated, although in the body of a toddler.

PeiZhi knew that she was his adopted sister but had no idea about her identity being that of a princess from a fallen empire. He always considered her his own sister.

They stared at each other for sometime until Han Baozhai ended up averting her gaze. It was a weird feeling that she felt... It had been so long and she was kind of shy to even speak to him.

Even PeiZhi didn't say anything and continued sipping on his tea.

" How are you feeling now?"

She looked behind to find her mother looking at her with a worried expression. Han Baozhai felt a familiar warmth in her concerned voice. She smiled and said she was fine. And an inexplicable feeling of happiness crept into her heart after seeing all the family members reunited for once.

PeiZhi looked at her way in a concerned way after hearing his mother's word, but in the end didn't voice out or ask anything.

After dinner her mother got busy catching up with her son. Han Baozhai slowly sat next to her and listened to all that PeiZhi had to say about his journey so far. While listening, she realised why every girl was head over heels for her so called brother. Indeed this world seemed to be made of the most beautiful and charming people...

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