Life with Royalty, End of Freedom (5)

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The Emperor and his Empress were tensed after hearing about the mishap. The events came to a halt for the time being. But being an Emperor meant being the father of not just one son or daughter, but many. Although his face seemed tense, he never personally got up to check on the Ninth Prince. The Empress was worried but it wasn't her own son to begin with, and hence even she stayed in place.

It wasn't until Xia Huang came and took the seat next to his Imperial Father did the selection events continue. The other seat for Xia Xiaowen remained empty.

Xia Huang was the First Prince and also the elder brother of the Second Prince, Xiao Xiaowen. Although Xia Huang was the First Prince, he was, but the adopted son of the Emperor. In the end, his younger brother, the Second Royal born heir, was nominated as the Crown Prince.

Xia Huang knew his place and never bothered about the fact of not being able to inherit the throne. He sat in between the Emperor and the Empress and conveyed the conditions of the Ninth Prince.

Time went by and the events went on. The Guqing players beautifully delivered their performances while stealing glances at the First Prince. He might have been adopted but still held power and his looks too were extraordinary. But neither the Second Prince nor the General came to the venue after what happened during their welcoming ceremony.

Finally it was time for swords fight. The participants came forward one by one and delivered intriguing performances. Some even ended up getting injured. But at the time of call for the last two participants, one was absent. It was none other than Han Baozhai. She had a female partner to spar with her.

Seeing that there was no one, Xia Huang suddenly got up from his seat and made an unexpected announcement. He glanced at the coordinator as he spoke " Mind if I take part? " . There was a strange silence among the audience which was soon followed by a wild uproar of cheers.

The girl blushed fiercely as she coyly spoke... " I am afraid that I will make a fool of myself in front of His Highness..., as it happens my partner is already absent so maybe...someone else who is more worthy can take my place."

Xia Huang smiled and nodded while looking towards the audience,
" Anyone?"

Many raised their hands to draw his attention but then a girl suddenly came forward as she said, " Sorry I am late, might I continue to take part? My name is Han Baozhai."

The coordinator looked up at the list and realised that she was supposed to be the partner of the other girl. He looked at the Prince and found him fondly staring at the girl named Han Baozhai.

He mentally thought, ' It's her, I am sure of it...'

He recognised the saviour of his younger brother though she probably didn't. Han Baozhai never got a chance to get a clear view of the man on shore with her blurry eyes last time, neither did she know that he was the Prince. She had just arrived and had not seen Xia Huang sitting next to the Emperor prior to her arrival. After all she was never interested in anything related to the Royal Family and didn't bother to know who was who other than the Emperor whom she frequently met.

Everyone turned around to look at who this bold girl was. Xia Huang took no notice of them and agreed at once.

Han Baozhai had changed into a new set of clothes and tightly held onto her swords hilt. She stepped forward and got ready for the duel. The Emperor seeing her couldn't help but smile gleefully.

As soon as the duel started Han Baozhai swiftly moved next to the Prince as she whispered, " No need to hold yourself back just because I am a woman." She then looked back and smirked at him.

Finding it amusing, even Xia Huang didn't hold back. He swiftly counterattacked her blows and remained unfazed. After all he had returned after conquering the barbarians at the fronts.

But Han Baozhai wasn't anything less. No one even expected her to last so long. After all she was known for her stamina in her previous life and was extremely swift at dodging. The duel seemed never ending until Han Baozhai was trapped in a corner. Her sword was on the verge of falling and she suddenly made a pitiful face.

Xia Huang, "Well then, let's end thi-"

Even before he could finish his sentence, Han Baozhai changed her expression into a mocking one and suddenly threw her sword which was almost about to fall, high up in the air. Then she quickly leaped and caught the hilt skillfully while avoiding the sharp blade and in an instant, knocked out her opponents sword while catching him of guard.

He remained still as he tried to register what had just happened. She was as swift as the wind and he...he had lost...lost to someone who had already fallen into chilling waters and now had an ill health.

All the audiences were shocked and no one applauded until the Emperor himself got up and started clapping for her. The Empress too was very impressed seeing her performance and praised her. In the end even Xia Huang sighed in defeat, " Seems like I...lost..."

She turned back to say something but then her body started to turn cold. Her breathing hitched all of a sudden as she recognised the situation she was in. Her illness had relapsed. There was no time to waste now... In the end, like last time she had to leave without a proper farewell. It was embarrassing and rude to run away like that but she had no other choice. If she waited a bit more...only she knew how much she might have to suffer again.


On the other side, the eighth prince had regained consciousness and was still listening to the stories Xia Xiaowen and PeiZhi were telling him. They were speaking about the fierce battle that took place and also about the scenic beauty of the northern fronts. The kid listened intently to them but also kept on inquiring about the whereabouts of his other brother.

PeiZhi smiled at the child helplessly as he spoke, " Don't worry, your big brother is back safe...he is just a bit busy at the moment, he waited for you to gain consciousness but then your Imperial Father called for him, so he had to go... He will be back soon..."

PeiZhi then whispered to Xiaowen,
" Your Highness, I feel that the Emperor might be displeased if you don't go at all. After all, the events are being hosted for both of you and also as a selection for your future empress"

Xia Xiaowen's expression turned gloomy on hearing the remarks,
" PeiZhi..., I feel that the current situation says otherwise. Father will understand and you know I am not good at expressing my opinion and always sound rude. Brother is better off taking my place there. And you know how much I hate such things like marriages, don't you? It's all against my will, I never intended to choose one and neither will I! "

PeiZhi just sighed, " Alright, as you wish, Your Highness..."

Days In Quest Of Honor जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें