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FREAKS: one secret

Buster re-enters the backstage area with Meena by his side

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Buster re-enters the backstage area with Meena by his side. "Yep, mind your head here. Hey, can you pull up that scenic cable?" Buster asked, "You mean this?" Meena pulls a lever up high and the stage scenic rises. "Yes, that’s it! Great. And the house lights?"

Meena throws two switches, Illuminating The Spectacular Auditorium. "Wow." She muttered in awe. "Ah, I know. Beautiful, isn’t she? "Buster is charmed by Meena’s shared expression of wonder. "You know what kid, how would you like to be a part of this show?" He asked. "Really? Wait, oh my gosh, I was just gonna ask about that!"

"Great! ‘Cos I could really use a stage hand."

"Stage hand? But.."

"Aw, don’t worry about it, you’re gonna pick it up in no time. I’ll teach you everything I know. Follow me!" They went backstage, and Buster rushes up the stairs. "These are the rehearsal spaces and dressing rooms and up here we got
workshops and the main office.." Meena stops to admire all the different acts rehearsing in their rooms.


"Awesome? Hah!" Meena turn around to see Mike standing on the steps. "I think the word you’re after is awful. And that’s me restraining myself. Not an ounce o’ talent between ‘em, not an ounce. In fact, you know that? I think that prize is as good as mine already." Mike raved.


Before long, practice was over. And they each returned home. Or even hang out at the Club. And even though (Y/n) had to go back to the shop where she worked first. "Well, I messed up." She muttered to herself. "You are." Another voice answered. "Ben? What the hell"

"Your brother called me this afternoon." (Y/n)'s face looked unconditioned and pale. "I didn't say anything about you, well mostly. But to be honest, he sounded really.. sad." Ben said as he took a sip of his coffee. (Y/n) took a deep breath, "then what? He only cares about his career."

"I actually don't think so. He just loves you in a different way."

"That's what they say." (y/n) said as she returned the broom and mop. "Anyway, my shift is done. Goodnight." She cut down on the lighting because the shop was almost closed and there weren't many customers there. (Y/n) walked back to her apartment, not by chance but she did pass the Moon Theatre.

Then she saw Buster and a woman who looked very angry. "I work for a bank, not a charity, and if your accounts are not settled by the end of the month—" she's interrupted, "Okay— Judith, I personally guarantee by the end of this month this show is going to be the biggest hit this city has ever seen."

Hearing the conversation, (Y/n) was confused. but before long,
Her face turned to disappointment after realizing what he meant.

"Mr. Moon, none of your shows have ever worked! None of them! You’ve had your chances, now settle your accounts or we will repossess this property!" She turns to walk away. "Okay - toodle-oo. Haha!"

"What are you going to do, Mr. Moon?" Miss Crawly asked, "Honestly? I have no idea."

Before anyone noticed, (Y/n) cut her way through the alley and returned to her apartment.

Sprinklers hiss and crickets creak. Underwater lights illuminate a pool on the grounds of a fine L.A.-style mansion. Eddie approaches the waters’ edge sipping from a soda can. He sheds his bathrobe to reveal a Speedo, before walking to the end of a diving board, deep breath, and dive.

Eddie is a graceful swimmer. Elegant strokes pull him through the water and back to the surfaceto find he is looking straight into Buster’s face. "Aaargh!" He shouted in surprise. Buster is seated beside the pool steps drinking Eddie’s soda. "Hmm... are you wearing a Speedo, Eddie?"

"W-what are you—" A voice calls from the main house, "Eddie! Is everything alright?" The voice asked. "Yah! Uh, just doing my laps, ma!"

Eddie and Buster sit side by side on inflatable chairs playing the X BOX in the pool house. "So what, you live in the pool house now?" Buster asked. "Yeah, my folks want me to be more you, know ‘independent,’ I guess. They even hooked me up with this life coach dude."

"Life coach?"

"Yeah. I guess he’s gonna help me find my purpose in life. I thought I had one, but it turns out, it wasn’t the right one or something? I dunno. Anyway, he’s got me on this whole schedule thing. It’s like Mondays take out the recycling, Tuesdays mow the lawn, Wednesdays go visit Nana, Thursdays clean the pool, it’s like, don’t we have people to do all this stuff?" Eddie rambled on.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. Your Nana is still alive?" Buster asked. Without taking his eyes off the game, Eddie knocks over his surfboard, revealing a family photo on the wall, at the centre of which sits a spectacular surly aristocratic woman "Ooh yeah."

"Wow. And she’s rich, right?"

"She’s loaded. But trust me, you don’t
wanna go near my Nana - Brrr - she is one mean woman." Buster forgets the game and gazes up at this scary old woman. A
smile of great interest spreads across his face.


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𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐒, human! buster moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now