Chapter 2: The Plan

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"Y/n, get up" said Viper, as she threw a bag on your bed.

"Wha..." You said, as you picked up the bag, your eyes groggy, your voice rusty and dry.

What in the world... You squint your eyes open, it's barely 4am in the morning, what is Sabine doing in your room?

"Uhm.. Sabby... Don't you think it's a little too.." you yawn, spreading your arms in the air. "Early?" You ask, scratching your back with your eyes closed.

You definitely weren't a morning person. In fact, you hated mornings so much, you often get out of bed at 1pm, when everyone's gone out to do their missions. There's just something about mornings that you don't quite like... Your voice gets all weirdly monotone, you get the morning sniffles and god... Your hair is all over the place. You don't get people like Brimstone and Sage, they barely get a wink of sleep sometimes, and yet they're so full of energy in the morning... You shrug at the thought. Maybe they're immortal or something?

"Get ready. We're sending you out at 6am." Viper said, her words swift and demanding.

"But- that's in two-three hours?" you asked, confused as to why you possibly needed that many hours to get ready.

"Precisely." She said. "Get everything you need and put it in the bag. Clothes, toothbrush, general things." She said a list of things that you didn't quite catch.

Is she throwing me out..? Wha... You knew too well what to put in bags that look like these. Your time during foster care taught you as much. It's not like Sabine to throw you out though, so maybe it's part of the mission..? You failed to see which part of going to the battlefield would you ever need toothpaste though??

"What.. Why do I need.." Your brain was processing, confused. It was stuck in the loading screen as of this moment.

"Just do as I say. Once you're ready, go to my office, We'll have a short briefing. You, Me, Jett, Skye, Brimstone, and Killjoy will be out there today so make sure to pay attention later" And without saying another word, she left.

You were even more confused now. Why are six agents going? Usually, there would only be a team of 5 people..  Although it doesn't seem right, you followed her orders. Packing and making sure you were fresh and ready for today. Even though you hated mornings, you didn't dislike this morning in particular.


"Hey, that ain't fair man." Phoenix said, wiping paint off of his cheek.

"Whoever said that you can't shoot people in the head, has obviously never been to a gunfight" Yoru said as he chuckled, shooting up that condescending smirk of his in the process.

"Yea well there are rules for a reason y'know?" Jett said as she dashed in between the two.

She takes the paintball gun out of Yoru's hands. "And you need to start learning them, you cheat!" she giggled.

Yoru rolls his eyes, vexed as he slowly removes his mask, revealing his face. Hair dripping in sweat. He doesn't normally let his hair fall down to his face, usually, it's smothered in gel or something that makes it stick up but sometimes it does get messy.

"You really need to start letting your hair fall to your face dude- you literally look like a popstar." said Jett, in awe of the duality of Yoru. The fact that he can either look like a soft boy band member or someone who likes to play hard metal every night is somehow impressive.

"Why would I ever want that?" He asks as he places a towel over his shoulders. He blows his hair away from his eyes as he drinks a bottle of water. Paintball fights are always so exhausting.

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