Chapter 28: Soft

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"No.. It's Ryo- 'Ri-yo' Alright??" Yoru said, looking down at you with his arms on his hips.

"Wo.. wiwo?" Your tiny self mumbled, not able to pronounce it correctly. The two of you have been at it for a few minutes now.. Yoru was getting quite tired.. First you couldn't say his last name... Now he just found out that you couldn't even pronounce his first name either..

"Noo!! It's Ryo Kiritani" Yoru argued, his face flushing in anger as you chuckled.

He immediately stopped throwing a fit. Instead looking at how cute you were, he was unable to scream at you. "Just... call me Kini then" He mumbled, trying his hardest to show you how unfazed he was by your laugh...

You were his first friend afterall... Being such a rowdy and temperamental kid, no one really liked to hang out with Yoru. He always got into fights one way or the other.. But not with you... Your laugh is weirdly enough for him to calm down.

"Kini..." You mumbled as your tiny hand tugged on his shoulder, your other hand occupied with a bear.

"Yeah?" He asked, unsure of why you were tugging on his shirt.

"Thewes a cat behind you" You mutter, pointing out to the small orange, white kitten standing behind Yoru.

It looked sort of out of place... Lost maybe? You wondered as to what a cat like that was doing chilling on a beach in Breeze?? You soon realized it was the model for kool kat- the DVDs on the beach... they must've used this cat as reference or something..? That's probably why it was here-

"What-?!" He immediately screamed, turning around and falling down on the sand. "Omg- Get it away!" He said all while staring at the cat slowly walk up to him. "Ahh!!"

You chuckled at his reaction, slowly sitting down next to him. "It's just a cat..."

"No- No it's not! It's a vicious beast!" He said, completely frozen as the cat licked his hand. It then sat down right on Yoru's lap, grooming itself afterwards.

Yoru scowled, looking at the cat in disgust. "Get it off me" He said, sternly.


You wake up, feeling something warm and might I add, extremely heavy on your waist. "Mn.. what.." You mumbled as start to wake up, yawning before looking around and seeing a plaster of electric guitars hung on the wall.

Feeling a warm breath on the back of your neck, your legs wrapped around someone else's... It was obvious who was behind you. Just by his room alone, the dark blue and black wasn't really a subtle hint.

You immediately realized what exactly happened earlier...

With Yoru's bare arms around your barely clothed waist, you remember just how tired the two of you were yesterday that Yoru asked if you could sleep in his room just for today... and maybe other days if you feel like it.

You sit up, trying your best not to wake your partner up since he was still probably really tired from fighting. You slid past his grip and made your way to the bathroom..

That Skye... You wonder as to why she'd act like that... It makes you miss the memories you spent with Kirra back home... Well it is an alternate reality.. Guess some things are just majorly different.

"Y/n.." Yoru mumbled, his hair a mess, while his upper half exposed. He looked quite exhausted by the looks of it. He looked around for you, squinting his eyes as he saw the bathroom light open. He rubbed his eyes while walking towards the bathroom.

"Come back to bed.." He mumbled before hugging you from behind, his eyes closed as his head hung on your shoulder.

You smile as you kissed his cheek, your hands ruffling his already messy hair. "We can't just sleep here forever.. It's already 10am... We should probably-"

"But I don't wanna go..." He mumbled with a tint of sadness in his voice, his arms gripping onto your waist tighter.

"Fine..." You said before kissing his lips. Guess the both of you will just have to miss out on the welcome back party.


Skye entered the room full of agents, chattering away while drinking Neon's special iced tea punch. She made her way towards the group of girls towards the corner of the room. Jett, Neon, Killjoy and Raze.

"Hey girlies! How's it goin'?" She said, waving towards them, with excitement in her voice.

To her surprise though, instead of welcoming her into the group, the pack of ladies just went ahead and gave her 'a look'. You know that look of disgust mixed with a "why is she talking to me?" look. That's exactly the look that Skye got from every single one of those girls.

She tried to laugh it off, awkwardly chuckling as she asked them what the problem was. She was a bit confused... These girls have always been quite friendly with everyone so... She was unsure as to why they were acting that way towards her.. Maybe it was Y/n... ugh that bitch... Did she talk shit about her already?? Typical..

"Omg... Did you guys hear about Y/n..? I heard her and Yoru were a thing but... didn't she have a thing with Chamber... AND Omen...? Such a Sluzza..." She whispered, expecting the girls to join into the gossip since.. well it was one of the few activities she'd see them do quite a lot.

Jett scowled at her with her arms closed, about to say something when Neon mumbled. "This is why I don't like making new friends.." Rolling her eyes before leaving. Raze gave her a scoff, finding it funny how much of a clown she was right now.

"Cmon Jett it's not worth it." Killjoy said, grabbing jett's arm, following Neon and Raze.

"Damn bro... Shouldn't have let ya mouth do all dat yapping aye?" Phoenix said, before sipping some punch and following the girls.


Author's note: Hohoho~ Okay this- this is just a warning- season two is gonna be a lil... a lil dark- and uh- yeah :) I'll try to make it as fun and light hearted as possible though.


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