Chapter 11: Shopping Day

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Art: @floaromaa on twitter 

It was pretty normal for Yoru to have a slight dislike of everyone but ever since you came along, his little to no dislike of Omen just somehow increased to the max. He doesn't know why particularly... but the way you acted around Omen just... it bugged him. It bugged him so much that every time he sees the ghostly figure roaming around headquarters, his face would instantly sneer into annoyance for no reason at all. 

Although Omen noticed it, he didn't mention it to anyone since he thought it was a typical Yoru thing. I mean, amongst everyone in the protocol, the only person other than Viper, who is just somehow repulsed by everyone--is Yoru. Since he was pretty similar to him when it came to attitude, he never really said anything or tried to scold the agent too--He didn't want to be a hypocrite...

Omen walked over to the two of you, a little concerned about your current state. He let out a slight chuckle and immediately tapped your shoulder to ask if you were okay. The image of Yoru's hand on his face as you laughed uncontrollably made him smile somehow as he was trying to contain his own laughter. You really are a weird one...

You were able to hold yourself together, not wanting to embarrass Yoru further as you noticed your subordinate behind you. He seemed to be shopping as well. Hm, what's up with everyone? Is it a shopping day or something?

"Oh- Omen! What are you doing here?" You said surprised yet still pleased to see him there, it's been days since you've been able to talk to him and it wasn't like you hated his company either- he gave you a sort of warm yet ominous feeling, not to mention--you felt safe around him... He's just like John... Your Omen back home... 

You slightly shake your head. You shouldn't get yourself carried away. Remember your mission. Remember why you were put here. Remember Sabine...

Before Omen could even utter a single word, Yoru took your hand and instinctively pulled you closer to him. His eyes glared at Omen with irritation as he clenched his jaw. It was like he snapped for a second. He had absolutely no idea why he did that but... he just did.

What... What is he doing? 

Confused, you pulled your arm away from him, forcing his grip to let go of you as the both of you stared at each other in uncertainty for a second. You shoot up a 'wtf' kind of look as you massaged your wrist.

Omen didn't notice the tension between you and Yoru but it was extremely hard to miss the glare Yoru gave him stabbing right through his robe. 'What's his problem?' Omen thought to himself, wondering if Yoru had a bad day or if he did something to make him hate him more than he already does. 

Nonetheless, Omen didn't mind his horrible attitude. Instead, he focused all of his attention on you, answering your question with a brighter tone in his voice than usual. Something about you just made him less agitated. Maybe you secretly had the ability to make people less volatile against you..? 

"I ran out of snacks so..." He said as he held up a basket full of chips. "What are you doing here?" He asked, "The both of you?" 

Yoru rolled his eyes, he didn't want to listen to this bullshit "hello neighbor" conversation anymore. 

"We bumped onto each other and she was just leaving." He said as he gave you a side glare.

"Wowwww Okay- Enjoy your cute little cat fest weirdo" You said. Never mind being nice to everyone- He didn't deserve that side of you. Plus it's not like it's gonna affect the mission at all right? 

"Cat fest?" Omen asked as he took a glance at Yoru's basket and chuckled a little. "Is it Casper's birthday today?" He asked Yoru. 

Yoru didn't answer him. Instead, he crossed his arms and looked away, a gesture that he didn't want to talk to him at the moment. 

You decide to butt in the conversation hearing a name-drop.

"Casper?? Who's that?" Trying to remember if there was anyone in the protocol named Casper that you may have managed to meet at the welcoming party.

Omen knew very well about Casper. Actually, everyone in the protocol did. It was initially their idea. Jett's originally. She found a cat during a battle in Breeze and she just couldn't leave it alone so once they won the round, she made sure to bring it back to base. 

Everyone was pretty pleased with the idea of a headquarters cat so Brimstone and Sage agreed to let it stay as long as one of the agents would take care of it. Everyone thought it would be a good joke for Yoru to take the cat, considering how much he disliked taking care of animals. 

At first, he was sort of repulsed by the mess Casper made in his perfectly clean room but as time passed... He found a soft spot for the small cat. It was pretty cute... and plus, it loved snuggling up next to Yoru when he went to sleep so... Casper's.. fine I guess. 


pZzZzzzzZzzZzZzzzzzzZzzzZzzZzz.... BOOM! BANG! 

The kitchen explodes in deadly blasts of dangerously painted explosions as Raze's Boom box ignites on the spot, injuring a few members of the protocol. Screams can be heard as the agents rush out of the facility. Jett dashes into Brimstone's office, panting as she plops onto the floor, her hand covering her bloody shoulder. 

"There's... been a breach in HQ-" She said as she pants heavily. 

Brimstone quickly stands up to help her, immediately calling Sage over to help heal Jett as he dials the agents he was primarily preparing for the next mission. He carries Jett and gently places her on the couch as he screams for a healer. 

He thought this would never happen again... They've only ambushed HQ once before... That was to retrieve a specimen... Are they still trying to get his body back??  Not to mention, the enemy created an incredible distraction, making him send most of his agents in Haven to what he now knows is an attempt to distract/fool him into thinking that they wouldn't go and raid HQ. He had no choice but to call on any agent available in desperation...


Before anyone could answer your question, you suddenly heard Yoru and Omen's phone ring. A strange ringtone, it sounded like an important call since as soon as it rang they both picked it up in less than a second. You watch as Yoru nods his head, leaves his basket just to put his mask on and disappears out of you and Omen's sight. 

It was weird... what was weirder tho was that you could still hear that darn ringtone... Was he still here or something?

You snap back into reality as soon as it hits you. The ringing... It's coming from your pocket... 

"Seems like you got your first mission.." Omen said as he gestured for you to pick up before vanishing right in front of you.

You do so and you hear an operator's voice calmly telling you what to do. "There's been a breach in security. All agents who are currently not injured are ordered to fight..." She rambles on in a scarily robotic voice and you drop everything in your hands.

"Shit it's happening...." You whisper under your breath before teleporting back to HQ. 


Author's note: I'm actually so happy that you guys like this book so much- Although my writing isn't as it was before, I'll still try to update this story twice a week for you guys because trust me, it's only the beggining <3

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