Chapter 31: He knows

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Art: Prince Taki on twitter

*Yoru's pov*

She nodded, looking up at Viper on a hologram screen. I don't think she particularly knew that I was awake right now... I don't think she had any idea I knew about her being a spy either...

"We attack tomorrow morning so make sure all the details are sent by then alright? And for god's sake Y/n.. Don't let another Pearl incident happen.. Our world is on the brink of destruction and all you've been... wait.. who.." Viper's eyes thinned as her eyebrows furrowed even more than it already had. She crossed her arms as she peered right on Y/n bedsheets.

Shit shit. Pretend to sleep-

I try not to move as I hid under the blanket but it was far too late, I've already locked eyes with her.

"Who the fuck is on your bed right now y/n?" Viper said, sternly as she moved closer to the camera. "Is that- ..." She gasped as her eyes widened. I was unsure why she felt so comfortably familiar...

Y/n panicked, looking back behind her, confused but at the same time she had that expression on her face. One that screams "Fuck.. I messed up- Should I kill him?" It might've been close to what she actually thought of-

I didn't expect her to hang up on Viper though. I guess the shock sort of took over her because after that she kept stuttering.

"I- I can explain.. That... that was- well- it's- As you can see... Viper- She..." Y/n explained, or at least tried to. God that sheer panic on her face... The sweat dripping off her face as she tried to find a reason after reason of what she was doing... It was sort of cute.

I scoffed, trying to contain my laugh as her panicked expression turned into a somewhat confused face. She really was innocent... In some way. She definitely was one of a kind. She can't even lie herself out of trouble...

"You don't have to explain darling..." I chuckled as she looked at me blankly.

The fact is... I've known. For quite a while now actually.. The board... I wasn't sure what her plan was... But it was clear that she was definitely the intruder. Even when no one noticed for a long time, mostly because everyone here was a dumbass, I did.

It was when the enemies started acting like they've already anticipated what happened in previous fights. At first, I thought that they'd become more strategical but... Then there was her. If it wasn't for my curiosity of her, I would've probably never known.

But it was hard to miss. Her suspicious acts. The fact that my eyes would always follow her every move every time she was nearby. Why did she always disappear at certain times? One moment she'd be right beside me, the next she'd be completely out of my sight. I tried to rationalize it at first. I knew there was an imposter but.. it couldn't possibly have been her. I tried to pinpoint it towards other people? Omen? Cypher perhaps?

I couldn't dismiss it anymore. Not when one night, the night I first stayed over, I saw her sending data on her computer. Now my question was why? Though... I was too far in... At that point, It no longer mattered if she was trying to destroy my world. Because frankly, at least she wasn't self destructive.

"No Yoru- You don't understand..."She said, quickly grabbing my arm as she looked me straight in the eyes, her expression that of dread.

She was probably confused as to why I was acting weird right now.. "Trust me- I do-" I chuckled again before kissing her forehead. "I know... I've known... For quite a while now actually- You weren't really that good at hiding your secrets." I said, placing a shirt over my head. "Good thing I was. You're quite clumsy with your steps you know"

She looked at me, confuzzled. Probably thinking a thousand lines of "wtfs"

"So you know- "She asked, looking at me, her eyebrows scrunched up while her head tilted to the side. "You know I'm..."

"A spy" I said, answering her question without hesitation.

"But then why... why didn't you tell them... you dumbass.."

Because I loved you. Now, and forever.

I chuckled. "Because you're far too cute to be snitched on like that- I'm not trying to get choked in my sleep by some short little aggro girl who got mad at me for snitching on her" I laughed, lightheartedly poking a joke at her. As brave as I am. I don't know why my lips can't possibly utter those words. I love you.


You couldn't believe it- The fact that Yoru knew all this time... It was unfathomable.. You knew he was an idiot but how stupid can you possibly be to.. to just... agh! Nevermind it-

At least you talked through it with him... Explained everything. It's almost suspicious how willing he was to listen to you... How he was willing to listen to the problems of your world back home.. and just how willing he was to literally confirm that he would help you- Yeah. Help you??

At this point, you're already thinking of how to silently murder him just in case he'd betray you.. but for some weird reason.. You trusted him. A part of you knew that he wouldn't do that to you... You were unsure of why but... You had enough assurance when it came to him. And if he does stray, plan A of using the Operator on him, would most definitely work.


Author's note: HEY GUYSSS!! SORRY IF THIS SEEMED RUSHED BUT- I've been drowning in schoolwork and this is genuinely the only time I can write so- T^T YEAH

but anywayssssss- a few more chapters and this story's ending :<<<<< It's sorta sad to think about since this has been going on for almost, if not a year already... and I genuinely loved each and every one of your comments and reactions (a lot of you are so down bad, it's actually hilarious HHAHAHAHA) I hope you guys will stay around for the ending <333 It's coming very soon T^T

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