Grafton Manor, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England, Summer 1453

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We travel to Grafton shortly after my birthday. I'm now 13. Jacquetta is excited to see her children and elated with the news that her husband Richard's coming home. I am simply excited to get out of London which with the rising temperatures smells more and more.

"I've never seen Northamptonshire," Margaret Beaufort tells me.

"Me neither," I say, "Jacquetta tells me it's very nice there."

"It shall be a first time for all of us then," Lita declares.

Then a "Hush!" comes from Claire and they begin to go back to work while I study my arithmetic in silence.

Margaret proves to be a very capable lady in waiting, especially for a girl who had lived such a sheltered life. She is rather serious and religious, but is nice companionship all the same. While she is glad to have us for friends she is even more excited to leave her mother's household. Though Margaret doesn't talk of her often I had concluded from the way that her mouth fell into a frown whenever she was mentioned that they didn't get along.

During our trip to Grafton we talk of nothing but the countryside and fresh air. Maria and I are distantly related through Medici relatives so I can remember taking trips with her family in the summer. Lulu, Lita, and even Claire look forward to seeing this new part of England. The only person who wishes that we were back at court is Nora, she has spent her whole life living in the most beautiful palaces and expect no less. I already have a sound impression that the countryside will not suit her.

When we arrive at Grafton Manor I'm not disappointed. The house is quite unlike anything I have ever seen in England. It is smaller and cozier than the palaces I have been in housed in, but it is still ground. No one could deny that a noble woman lives here. Waiting outside the house when we pull into the ground in our litter is a group of children and the young woman. 

The young woman is the one that catches my eye. To my shock, I look very much like her. It is almost as if I am staring at an older version of myself in a mirror. She seems surprised at her similar looks too because she also ogles at me like I do her.

Jacquetta steps out of her litter and opens the door to mine. Obediently I hop out with my ladies and lineup directly across from the children and the similar looking young women. Jacquetta  smiles as she says, "Children, I want you to meet Lady Eliza de' Medici and her ladies, Clarissa, Ippolita, Leonora, Louise, Maria, and Margaret. They will be staying with us for the time being. We will also have some more young ladies coming to stay with us for a time soon. I expect you all to get along."

The children nod and Jacquetta turns and faces us saying, "Ladies, these are my husband and I's pride and joys, Elizabeth, Lewis, Anne, Anthony, Mary, Henry, Jacquetta, John, Richard, and Martha."

They are all beautiful children. Red hair and blue eyes, true English roses. Each of my ladies smile at them except for Nora who gives them a judgmental look. I think it's so rude that I hit her in the shins, eliciting a laugh from the younger children.

I can already tell that I am going to like it here.

As the week goes on I am proven right. First I get to know the Woodville siblings and I discover that I can have no better cousins in this realm to rely upon.

The one that looks strikingly similar to me is Elizabeth. She is the eldest daughter and is married to Sir John Grey who will one day be a baron. At 16 years old there is no doubt that she is a beauty, an identical copy of her mother. I get along with her very well although she is more than three years older than I. I often find myself walking along the river with her. Her mother, who is in confinement cannot teach me how do use my gifts, but Elizabeth who shares my gifts and was taught by her mother is able to teach me what she knows.

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