Hunsdon House, Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England, Summer 1454

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To my great relief I'm allowed to keep my household. Alice Chaucer Dowager Duchess of Suffolk, Baron Wenlock, Sir Tyriell, John Littleton, and Anne of Burgundy as well as all my ladies in waiting remain with me. At first, the only people who seem to have trouble adjusting is Margaret, who has spent her whole life having been drilled into her head that she used to serve the house of Lancaster, but when she sees that her betrothed  has allied himself with the Yorks after he discovered how much of his brothers illness was hidden from him, she soon runs up to them. Soon she's just one of the many young girls that are being raised at Hunsdon House.

Soon all of us at Hunsdson house fall into a routine. Cecily Neville is still prideful as ever but she has warmed up to me and soon I find that she isn't nearly as unbearable as her sister the Duchess of Buckingham. Alice Montague, Countess of Salisbury I find is one of the nicest women I have ever met. She's 47 years old now and looks slightly haggard but she is sweet and kind and caring to me and my ladies in waiting, making sure that we are never wanting anything while we stay with her. I convinced them that their daughter should be educated with me and my ladies, and John Littleton soon takes on another group of students. 

While we are settling into a routine I also start to receive letters from my worried relatives who have already started to get the early reports of the kings illness and the York takeover of the government. A letter for my great grandfather, the Duke of Burgundy is the first to arrive and says:

My dearest grandchild,

You have no idea how much I have missed you. I cannot believe now that it has been almost 2 years since I last saw your beautiful face. I hope that you are well and growing into a wonderful young lady. Your tutor, Mr. Littleton sends me updates on your studies every week and I'm glad to hear that you are a bright young lady and a very capable student.

I also wish to write to you that I am greatly concerned about the happenings at the English court. You cannot understand how much anxiety went around when we heard of what had happened. The kings illness is most unfortunate and we didn't know what the Yorks were planning to do with you. Everyone is relieved to know now that you were in the care of Cecily neville and Alice Montagu. I will be sending some flemish ladies later on to serve you and make sure that you are well cared for as the heir to the Duchy of Burgundy should. 

I expect you will be receiving worry letters from your Medici relative soon and I want you to prepare for the worst. Who knows what rumors will be going around in Italy by the time that reliable word reaches the court in Florence. Till then keep your guard up in England. The Yorks are good with governance but from what I hear from my spies Margaret long as you will not go down without a fight. You must tread carefully dear, it would be unfortunate if anybody were to suspect you of treason. Find yourself a middle ground and stay there. Do not risk anything.

With love,

Philip, Duke of Burgundy, your beloved arrière grand père

I find that my great grandfather is right because just four days after his letter arrives a frenzied letter from my father arrives. It is a jumbled mess of all sorts of warnings, that I'm to keep my head down and that he will send somebody from Italy, or perhaps come himself as soon as he can. I can only imagine what type of rumors are going on halfway around the world in Europe but I suspect from what my father writes to me it is not good.

"This is ridiculous," I can confide in Claire and Margaret one day, "What rumors could possibly be going around on the continent that would make my father this upset?"

Margaret shrugs, "Who knows. Everybody knows that the Royal Prince is the son of the king, but rumor still swirled around that he was illegitimate. Anything could be said over there and because there is so little news would have to be taken legitimately."

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