Westminster Palace, London, England, September 1454

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There comes a time in every woman's life when they must set aside their duties in their fathers house and go and get married to have a household of their own. It is inevitable in my world. Women belong to their fathers till they marry and their husbands till the day they die. It's just the way of the world. I will be powerless without a wealthy husband and so I must choose carefully.

Perhaps this is why the Duke of York took so much time considering a husband for me. After all, I am now 14, the age for most young girls are either betrothed or already married off. Some even have children. I am a notable exception for I am neither. I am young and with my father in Italy it means that for at least a while I am only subjected to parts of a guardianship that a male might have imposed upon me had a male relative actually been available for my supervision.

Soon the conversation topic in my household is who I shall be betrothed or married off too and everybody seems to find it an amusing bit of chatter except for me.

"Look at the list they sent for me to consider!" I cry as I wave a piece of paper in front of my ladies in waiting. "The Prince of Portugal, the Duke of Bavaria, the Duke of Savoy, or one of their cousins, all of whom are more than five years older than me!"

My aunt Anne sighed, "That is the way of the world Eliza. You will have to get married one day, it cannot be avoided. You must've been considering it before this."

I look away at her and then to the flames of the fire. I had known one day I would get married, but I always thought I would be like my parents were happy together and in love and their marriage. I knew some people were not as nearly as lucky as my parents and my aunts and uncle's farm and I don't want to have a marriage where I am completely miserable the rest of my life. After all, I am only 14, I have so many years left to live.

"Perhaps if you go to the Duke of York and ask him for you to be considered in the marriage negotiations he will allow you to choose a suitable husband from the young man he has provided," Alice Chaucer suggests.

I looked down at the list of older men and sigh, "I suppose that's worth a try."

Suddenly Lulu bursts through the door into my chambers in a rush, slightly panting as she raced over to me and tells me, "There's a letter! There's a letter from the Duke of York!"

I quickly got up from the armchair where I've been sitting in melancholy and take the letter from Lulu's hands. After taking it from her hands I rip open the seal and read:

 To Her Grace Elizabeth Medici, Countess of Charolais,

Your Grace we hope this letter finds you in good health. As the Royal Council prepares for the court to convene for Christmas we hope for you to join us for the celebrations this year. As surely you've heard there are several important matters involving you that must be put to rest before the court disperses for the spring. We look forward for your cooperation this year in order to strengthen the position of England and it's standing in the world and different country back to peaceful prosperity and good governance.

With regards,

The Privy Council

"Looks like the matter of my marriage is to be settled over Christmas," I sighed.

Lulu winced. "Must you get married?" She asks. "Men just seem like an awful bore."

I laugh and Claire who is sewing across from me by the fire says, "Bore or not Lulu all of us will one day have to get married. One day you will be married to a man whom you call an awful bore and you shall have to bear it with the dignity of a lady of your station."

Lulu scrunches her nose off as if she smelled something foul and I cannot help but laugh even more. Alice Chaucer looks on disapprovingly as my aunt and simply shakes her head and smiles a bit.

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