Mission Bakugou.. I guess?

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🚨No Warnings🚨 (Tell me if there are any so I can add them. Thanks.)

Hawks POV

I wake up with me being cuddled by Dabi. I then realized that today is a very special day. Not just for me, but mainly Deku.

How is it special? Well, because today we are going to try out absolute best to save Bakugou. Or at least tell him that we are trying our damn best.

I then hear Dabi wake up. So, I turn over to him and kiss him. Which he kisses back.

H: Good Morning 😊

D: Good Morning.

H: Do you know what today is?

D: Hmm. It's the day that you go to UA and try to at least notify Bakugou that we will save him.

H: Yep.

As we were talking, we heard steps coming towards our room. Then we heard a knocking on the door. Dabi then stood up and answered the door.

As he was talking to whoever was at the door, I gently grabbed my egg and held it to my body to keep it warm.

D: Kei, come on we need to get to the living room.

H: Ok.

I then stand up while holding my egg. Then I walk to the door and afterwards me and Dabi walk to the living room. Although carrying my egg everywhere I go is really bothering, I don't care since it'll be worth something so great.

Once we were there, we sat on a couch. We then awaited our orders for what to do. Everyone was told what they needed to do and they then went. But before they left, I gave my egg to Dabi because I can't bring the egg to UA.

Because if I do, the other heroes will be suspicious and the students too. And then I'd have to explain everything to them. Which I don't wanna do.

Anyways, I gave the egg to Dabi, then O left. Once I was outside the building, I spread my wings, flapped them, then flew away.

After awhile, I made to UA's entrance gate. So, I walked inside the gate and headed towards class 1-A. When I was there, I knocked on the door.

As I awaited for the answer, I looked down on my jacket to make sure I has the special pin on. And it was indeed on. I then heard the door open.

I looked up, walked inside the room, and then I looked at the whole class. I was told what Bakugou looked like, so I didn't have to ask people.

But the reason I was there was so I could teach them how to train, since All Might wasn't allowed to do it for some odd reason. But anyways, I told the class to get on their uniforms and head to the training area.

When they all got there, I told them what their going to do. And I allowed them to pick who they wanted to spar with. And surprisingly, there was an odd amount of people on the class today.

The only person who didn't have a partner was, none other than, Bakugou. I walked over to him and told him that we were going to spar. He nodded slowly, he seemed as if he didn't want to talk.

I told the whole class that we will all pick our own sections to spar in. I allowed Bakugou to choose for us. He looked around as if he was searching for someone. Then he said, "Can we spar in the sky..?"

I simply smiled and nodded. I told him to grab onto my back so I can take him somewhere in the sky. He then grabbed onto my back, so I then flew up. Then instead of flying somewhere to spar I flew us to the League's Base.

B: Why are we here..?

H: You're home.

B: How did you know where this was..?

"Without A Feather" A DabiHawks Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now